
FDA seeks regular mark downs

The agency wants to receive monthly volume discounts as part of an IT services contract.


Contractors are here to stay

One scholar argues that government must rely on contractors or reduce its mission.


Kelman: The not-so-obvious lesson

A tale of procurement woe shows that contracting officials need to be trusted business advisers.


Officials request agencies' strategic-sourcing reports

Acquisition officials seek numbers to gain support for the buying strategy.


Letter: Vendor turmoil is not unique to U.S.

A reader points out that Canada is dealing with its own contracting issues.


Letter: Lifting IBM’s suspension was the right move

One reader has worked with or competed against IBM for 30-plus years, and he believes the company is rigorous about following the rules.


Letter: IBM sales figure is misleading

A reader says the company’s sales to the government exceed $1.5 billion when you consider indirect sales through other contractors.


Letter: Is IBM off the hook?

A reader says the government’s reversal of its ban on IBM shows a failure to adjudicate.


FOSE: Abuzz about info strategies

Here are some highlights from the FOSE Exposition and Conference that brought federal officials and company executives together for three days of networking and education.


IBM is back, but what happened?

EPA pulls the computer giant out of limbo after the parties quickly reach an agreement.


Buzz of the Week: Blue week for Big Blue

Blue week for Big Blue


EPA lifts suspension of IBM

IBM, under contract suspension by EPA, agrees to concessions.


DHS seeks to bring more small-biz dollars to veterans

The department hopes that the PACTS contract will help it reach its procurement goals for disadvantaged businesses


Debate over contractors continues

Lawmakers foresee no easy solutions to concerns about acquisition outsourcing


Waldron: Restoring balance

GSA has an opportunity to fix problems created by a thorny price reductions clause


GSA memo clarifies terms of IBM suspension

Agencies using GSA contracts cannot place any orders with IBM or evaluate any pending proposals from the company, according to an internal document.


Letter: More to be concerned about with contract specialists

Blended workforce issues don't disappear by shifting procurement activities to another contracting organization, but the degree of separation makes it easier to shift blame for problems.


Letter: A collapsing GSA needs to listen and lead

To date I have met no one at GSA genuinely interested in feedback from clients or industry on how to take charge of the acquisition arena as they could well do again. But even if they did listen, they would surely be unable to synthesize and manage the data and effectively respond.


Letter: Use a simple rule: Go for the lowest price

The simplest way for contracting activities to avoid protests is to use the "lowest price technically acceptable" source selection process.


GSA re-examines Alliant Small Business awards

The agency asks 62 small businesses on the governmentwide acquisition contract to extend their offers until Oct. 28.