Emerging Tech

VA Makes Moves to 3D Print and Produce Medical Devices In-House

A newly unveiled effort will expand collaboration that was sparked by COVID-19.


Army Wants a Vendor to Bring ‘Parity’ to AWS and Azure Cloud Offerings

The contractor would be expected to streamline all of the Army’s disparate cloud services, including integrating new Microsoft Azure offerings.


DOD Official: Upcoming Cybersecurity Requirements Could Still Significantly Change Based on Industry Feedback

Defense Acquisitions CISO Katie Arrington highlighted cost concerns and encouraged public comments toward a final rule on the department’s planned certification program.


IG: Treasury’s IT Challenges Persist But No More So Than Other Agencies

Three projects were identified as having a medium risk of failure due to cost and schedule overruns.


Government Reduces Representation Burdens for Supply Chain Rule Banning Some Chinese Equipment 

Contractors continue to question inconsistent language and push for the need for more clarity around Section 889 Part B.

Digital Government

GSA, Pentagon Re-award DEOS Cloud Contract

The latest award comes with a significantly lower projected ceiling than previously cited.


GSA Preparing Switch to eSignature for Multiple Award Schedule Offers and Modifications

Contract holders will also see new security measures being implemented in the near future for eOffer and eMod.


DOD Official Confident in Cybersecurity Certification Body’s Business Model

The volunteer group taking on the Pentagon’s new system of contractor audits has taken out lines of credit, the official said.

Digital Government

Administration Adds 16 Months to Transition from DUNS to Unique ID

The General Services Administration will extend Dun & Bradstreet’s services while agencies get more time to patch and test systems. 

Emerging Tech

Lawmaker Proposes Federal Institute of Technology and New Contracting Set-Aside

The 21st Century Jobs Package would create a federal agency for training the workforce of the future and incentivize federal contracting officials to buy from vendors who hire rural American workers.


VA Launches New Electronic Health Record Platform Amid a Pandemic, Wildfires and Citywide Power Outages

Nature seemed to be against the Veterans Affairs Department’s new EHR system. But officials are reporting a “flawless” cutover for the first deployment.


Pentagon Still Hammering Out Acquisition Strategies Needed to Enable DevSecOps, Officials Say

The Defense Department needs to educate its workforce on what DevSecOps means for them, the Pentagon’s Katie Arrington said.


What’s Next in IT Modernization

Pandemic or not, federal agencies continued efforts to update their legacy systems and adopt modern ways of buying, developing and implementing technology.


Pentagon Will Move Primary Biometrics Systems to Amazon Cloud

The move means at least two of the government's biggest biometrics databases will live in AWS clouds.

Digital Government

FPDS Reporting Tools Make Final Transition to beta.SAM

GSA shuttered the reporting functions on FPDS.gov, making the beta.SAM.gov Data Bank tool the definitive source for contract awards data.

Emerging Tech

How the Energy Department is Working to Engage Americans on Exascale Supercomputing

Officials also offered Nextgov updates on how the buildout of U.S. exascale machines is unfolding.


How RFPs Contribute to Failed Digitization Efforts

The procurement strategies of the past are no longer enough to meet the demands of the ever-evolving technology-enabled world we live in.


Court Clarifies Timeline in JEDI Case

Judge Patricia Campbell-Smith issued deadlines through December for the Pentagon’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure contract.