
Education Department in market for security tools

The department wants software for two-factor authentication that it can use with many online applications, including Federal Student Aid.


USPTO reveals plans for 2008 IT procurements

The agency plans to issue four RFPs for work such as systems and network engineering, database management, and help desk support.


Law requires agencies to ask contractors about health benefits

Each proposal an agency receives must include information on the cost for health and retirement benefits for the prime contractor’s and the subcontractor’s employees.


Letter: Army is wasting time by duplicating contract vehicles

Does it serve the interest of the taxpayer to have the Army crank up another [indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity]?


FCW Insider: Game of chickens



Army's technology needs translate into busy procurement year

The Army PEO-EIS plans five RFPs in 2008 for an assortment of needs including radio frequency identification devices.


Letter: Degree required for acquisition workers

Regarding "In search of contracting officers": "...eliminate the requirement of a college degree... ." Did he really utter those words?


DOD to test system to improve intergovernmental transactions

Officials say internal pilot in 2007 was successful, and now they want to expand it to civilian agencies.


Letter: Finding truth in exit interview unlikely

Procurement is a small world, and it doesn't take long for news to travel. So why would someone commit "career suicide" and tell why they're really leaving.


Some agencies must plan for TIC initiative, officials say

Limiting government Internet connections seen creating challenges.


Letter: Our leaders must get serious about national security

A reader says Congress should penalize DHS for delaying a project to secure the country’s border with Mexico.


Bridging the divide

Agencies must resolve difficult cultural and policy challenges to get homeland security and law enforcement information flowing freely.


In search of contracting officers

Coalition initiative targets college students to relieve strain on acquisition workforce.


Officials seek information on departing employees

Institute wants to discover why acquisition employees change jobs.


Section 508 remains a high hurdle

GSA pursues a carrot-and-stick strategy for improving compliance with the law.


Competitive sourcing fight isn't over

Bush administration and Congress can't agree on whether A-76 savings are real.


Editorial: Good government

Rep. Tom Davis has been good for the IT community and will be missed when he retires from government.


Google's Dave Girouard on Google-ization

Google executives now want to be players in what they believe will be the next game-changing event in technology: the transition to software as a service.


DEA to upgrade IT infrastructure

The agency has awarded SRA a contract worth $78 million to do the work.


DHS directorate elusive, CRS report states

Industry executives have a hard time reaching officials at the Science and Technology Directorate, according to the Congressional Research Service.