
Letter: Time to get real about brand name specs

A reader argues that it would be a mistake to prohibit the use of the "brand name or equal" provision in solicitations.


Use of brand names in solicitations still a problem

OMB reiterates for the second time in a month its prohibition on specifying vendors' products in solicitations.


GSA awards 3 companies places on HR LOB schedule

Vendors under Schedule 738.X will compete with five agency shared services providers.


Senate wants Coast Guard to oversee Deepwater

The Senate passed a bill that would increase oversight of the $24 billion modernization initiative.


Navy ready to launch ERP system

The service and BearingPoint complete the testing, data convergence and validation phases.


Congress weaves IT oversight into 2008 spending bill

The bill would require the Justice Department to report to lawmakers on Sentinel, the State Department to make its Web site more accessible and NOAA to adhere to new contracting protocols.


DOT seeks applications to reduce accidents, gridlock

The department’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration is looking for partners for SafeTrip-21, which provides drivers with real-time safety warnings.


GSA, DOD sign SmartBuy deal for records management software

Point One will provide licenses, maintenance and training under the enterprise program.


The Lectern: Control freakery



NMCI follow-on plan nearly complete

The Navy is still deciding whether to keep some functions of the replacement network in-house.


62 companies get spots on Alliant Small Business

The GWAC is worth about $15 billion over 10 years and offers management and technical support services.


Letter: Article mischaracterizes Bechtel's post-Katrina work

FEMA praised Bechtel employees' work in the affected areas of Mississippi, and DHS' IG expressed concern about FEMA's oversight, not about the company.


Buzz of the Week: Re-prioritizing security

Resolution continuing; Avoid name dropping; Do we need another chief tomanage?


NARA finishes testing first ERA software

The first piece of software from Lockheed Martin will help the government create and process e-records schedules and requests for e-records transfers.


2007 in review

A look back at 2007 in the pages of Federal Computer Week


Hot or not: Acquisition was a hot spot

Agencies built a foundation for improving workforce skills and contracting practices


Kelman: Too many contractors?

The government’s egalitarian pay structure helps explain some outsourcing decisions


Federal spending database defies doubters

The Office of Management and Budget unveils a system to track contracts, loans and grants governmentwide.


FBI delays upgrades to fingerprint databases

Its Criminal Justice Information Service Division will award a $1 billion contract for the work next month, about a month behind schedule, sources said.