
Lawmaker wants small biz to get more DHS work

The House Homeland Security Committee’s chairman says small firms can react quicker to change than large contractors can.


GSA's 'financial house in order,' Doan says

The agency's commercial schedules program showed growth of 2.2 percent, a high for GSA.


House Democrats rebuke State's IG

They say he mismanaged an investigation into laptop computers thought to have posed a security risk.


Harmony hires new VP of sales

William Sullivan will provide strategic and operational direction to the company's global sales operations and sales support teams, expand business partnerships, define sales channels, and set corporate objectives.


Letter: Get facts straight about companies leaving GSA schedules

Clashes between the audit and contracting groups are to blame for the departures of Canon, EMC and Sun.


Share your thoughts: Too much IG oversight?



OMB again reminds agencies to comply with Section 508

The latest memo comes after a GSA survey found only 3 percent of procurements included the accessibility standards.


GAO: Top-level support makes for better buys

DOD plans to start new practices that give program managers more incentives and support as the department tries to improve its buying practices.


OMB details spending database instructions

Agencies must transfer the first batch of data to the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act system by Nov. 30.


Congress endorses GSA's assisted services

Relying on GSA for non-defense buys will let DOD specialists focus on military buys


Buzz of the Week: Ramifications of GSA schedule woes

GSA's problems with the schedule program could discourage new and innovative technology companies from entering the market -- and feds will never know what they lost.


Canon, EMC drop out of GSA schedules

They join Sun Microsystems in failing to reach an agreement with the General Services Administration.


Letters to the editor

Cut Waxman some slack; Cybersecurity actions speak louder than words; Background checks have been required for years


DOD seeks net-centricity help

Vendors have been slow in providing needed support for net-centric command and control


Panel finds contracting disarray

Army needs leadership and training to reduce contracting fraud and abuse


Letter: Agency auditors don't understand programs

A contracting officer says he often has to bring them up to speed, writes one reader.


Letter: Kudos to GSA for pushing back against DOD IG

Comments from the IG that serve to punish sensible decisions that don't align with his own are broadly reflective of how IGs have taken over the lead role in setting procurement policy.


Senate passes contracting oversight bill

The legislation calls for agencies to appoint an associate administrator for workforce programs and to set up internship programs for acquisition employees.