
Web extra: Waxman on competition in federal contracting

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, talked about the state of competition in federal contracting in an e-mail interview with Federal Computer Week reporter Matthew Weigelt.FCW: Describe the state of competition in contracting today. Are you concerned?Waxman: I am very concerned about the state of competition in contracting today. Full and open competition has declined sharply under the Bush administration. Between 2000 and 2006, the dollar value of…


As population grows, Texas city readies tech infrastructure

Bee Cave plans to install a Gigabit Ethernet network, a document management system and a backup plan built around a virtual tape library.


Treasury's comptroller plans system to track bank reports

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency wants the system to make the most of electronically capturing data for application processing, support a flexible workflow, maintain critical records, and monitor and report on corporate applications and notices.


Speedy interagency contracts face possible new restrictions

Proposed acquisition rules could make interagency contracts less attractive


Feds seek the art of negotiation

Policy-makers now have data to use in addressing acquisition workforce gaps


Kelman: Inconvenient truths

Getting a demoralized contracting community back on track is possible with good leadership


Editorial: Waxman at a crossroads

Waxman now faces an important decision: Does he want to have an impact, or is he comfortable sitting outside throwing stones?


The competition question

Procurement changes recommended by Marcia Madsen’s panel seek to open the government market and increase competition


GSA, Army sign enterprise license deals for IT asset management

Agencies buying asset management software could save more than 50 percent off GSA schedule prices.


Software troubles delay SBInet progress

Border guards have not started using the network although lawmakers had expected it to be operational four months ago.


Industry to evaluate GSA's grasp on info protection services

The agency wants to put individual services, such as credit monitoring and independent risk analysis, into one contract.


Bush: Provisions in small-biz bill 'constitutionally suspect'

The legislation would allow agencies to confine competition for some contracts to women business owners in male-dominated industries, and it would raise the net worth business owners can have and still be eligible for the 8(a) program.


Companies push for DHS ID card work

Representatives of the laser card and smart card industries told lawmakers their products offer unique benefits and avoid shortcomings of the formats proposed for WHTI and Real ID cards.


OMB, DHS take various steps to secure networks

Secure desktop configuration, training and a software acquisition guide should make federal systems more secure, officials say.


Acquisition reform proves slow-going, panelists say

The current political environment makes agency officials wary of trying innovative contracting methods, according to a panel at the Executive Leadership Conference.


Contracting officers are easy target

Program managers are a large part of the problem with flawed contracts.


House seeks WAN services to connect reps, districts

The contract is not set aside for small businesses, but the House urges them to enter a proposal.


Grassley: Sun controversy a sign of deeper contracting problems

GSA officials take issue with the senator's perspective, saying the now-expired contract with Sun was "not the example of contracting irregularities that some have hoped."


GSA to award contract for evaluating financial shared-services providers

The agency plans to issue an RFP early next year for testing that shared-services providers are capable of implementing financial management systems.


Contracting officers need training in critical areas, survey finds

The survey, conducted by OFPP, OPM and other agencies, also finds that many of the best-trained contracting officers are likely to retire in the next 10 years.