
GSA: Oversight will not be outsourced

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee says a GSA proposal would give contract oversight to private companies.


State pushing for IT contractors to monitor security

Under a new requirement, IT contractors would be responsible for the security of systems that access the department's mission-related information.


OFPP to issue interagency contracting guide

The office wants to have uniformity and standardization within interagency agreements, said Robert Burton, deputy OFPP administrator.


Encryption BPAs are open to all

Contracts awarded under GSA’s SmartBuy signal better intergovernmental relations.


Pick a service

Federal agencies will spend the next two years making connection selections that will shape their telecom and data communications for a decade.


Editorial: More headlines than help

FCW shares hopeful and depressing points about the main players at a Doan hearing.


Okay: Fair opportunity explained

Now the real battle begins for agency business under the Networx telecommunications contracts.


Wagner: Lessons from the past

The old process was focused on fairness and competition, but it helped neither.


OFPP issues guide for emergency acquisitions

The guide describes emergency planning strategies and offers tips on contracting in an emergency.


GovWorks finds silver lining in DOD limits

Circumstances have forced the assisted-acquisition services center to review its procedures and increase its oversight.


OPM to move on Financial Management LOB competition

The agency will issue an RFI next month on its plans to acquire a single integrated accounting and procurement system.


Moran: GSA is contracting's short-term fix

He plans to recommend that language be added to the Defense appropriations bill to guide the Defense Department back to GSA.


Coast Guard names new procurement executive

Claire Grady will be head of contracting activity for the Coast Guard's new acquisitions directorate.


Interior gives up on providing HSPD-12 services

Instead of being a shared service provider, Interior will go to one: the General Services Administration.


OFPP recognizes acquisition accomplishments

The office presented four Shine awards for achievements in government contracting.


Denett: Experienced tech representatives better for contracts

The OFPP administrator wants agencies to better train contracting officers’ technical representatives and include them early in contract planning.


Nadler: Staying inside the bounds

A proposed rule on contractor ethics and business conduct is a sign of the times — and useful.


The outsourcer's dilemma

Many agencies need the help of contractors now more than ever, but outsourcing can be a minefield for the ill-prepared.


Buzz of the Week

Doan’s in-tense hearing.