
IG faults Doan's handling of sole-source deal

In awarding the $20,000 public affairs contract, the GSA administrator may have violated federal ethics and procurement regulations, according to an inspector general report.


GSA taps EDS to run its HSPD-12 office

The General Services Administration awarded a $66.3 million contract to EDS to help agencies meet the federal smart card mandate.


GSA seeks encryption deal

The RFQ specifies a broad encryption offering to prevent future data privacy breaches.


Pachter: Please, no more scare talk

Instead of fearing frequent protests, everyone should be concerned about fair contracting.


Coast Guard boots lead integrator

The agency's decision to take back control of troubled project could be a bellwether.


Editorial: Relishing the spotlight

The government IT community has an opportunity to share its ideas for making agencies more effective and efficient.


Clinton assails outsourcing

The presidential contender vows to bring greater accountability to government operations.


Two senators call for Doan to resign

Sens. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) cite what they describe as a pattern of ethical lapses during her tenure at GSA.


Can metrics persuade holdouts?

OMB hopes performance measures will make the case for using shared-service providers.


Administration's inaction forces action

Lawmakers want to give small businesses more contracts and prevent bundling.


House panel puts anti-bundling bill on fast track

The Small Business Fairness in Contracting Act would require the federal government to award 30 percent of its contract dollars to small firms.


Justice Department investigating Deepwater for possible fraud

Lawmakers, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman confirmed the Justice Department is looking into possible allegations of fraud under the Deepwater program.


Coast Guard takes over Deepwater

The service will assume the role of lead systems integrator for the $24 billion acquisition program.


Wagner: Don’t blame the IG

Blaming the IG is like faulting the press when it reports on government waste, fraud and abuse.


GSA, DOD seek data encryption under SmartBuy

Federal agencies could take advantage of volume discounts when they buy encryption software through the SmartBuy program.


‘Green’ computers can replace toxic PCs

Transportation Security Administration has bought 450 green PCs in past 6 months.


Keeping modernization on track

The Internal Revenue Service is in the midst of one of the most protracted of all systems renovations as it modernizes its Master File taxpayer account system.


Congress to act on workforce shortage

Rep. Moran eyes DOD spending bill as vehicle for acquisition changes.


Software on tap

Software-as-a-service providers are back with new and more popular offerings.


A tip of the iceberg?

Sen. Grassley’s inquiry into GSA’s contract with Sun could open up a wider investigation.