
Wagner: Why GSA matters

Business process economies have surpassed economies of scale in importance today.


GSA awards Networx Universal

Sprint does not get a place on the long-awaited major network services contract.


Small businesses get big portion of SEWP

NASA awarded 45 IT governmentwide acquisition contracts to 37 vendors, half of which are small businesses.


Doan: Details of controversial lunch meeting unclear

The GSA administrator testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee about allegations that she looked for ways to help Republicans in the 2008 election on government time.


Rep. Waxman asks White House for information on 2002 contract

The House committee chairman questions how MZM, a technology consulting firm, received a $140,000 prime contract just two months after being placed on the GSA schedule.


Doan says money, proper oversight brought her to Capitol Hill

GSA's administrator responds to several allegations in prepared testimony for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.


Feds' green computing initiative takes hold

TSA is in the final stages of replacing older computers with environmentally friendly ones to comply with a presidential order.


Acquisition office emerges from DNI reorg

Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell is establishing a deputy director for acquisition in a bid to speed technology development and foster more reliable systems.


House approves contracting reforms in supplemental spending bill

The House passed the Accountability in Contracting Act for a second time today as a part of the fiscal 2007 emergency appropriations supplemental bill.


GSA back on track, Doan says

GSA’s accomplishments include obtaining a clean audit from the agency's IG and earning six green scores on OMB's financial-management score card.


Cures for the compulsive gadget grabber

Unflinching focus on value and program needs helps rein in temptation to buy the latest and greatest toys.


Big vendors give open source added clout

Familiar suppliers provide a higher comfort level for agencies.


OFPP outlines plan to clean up data

Denett will require chief acquisition officers to sign off on the quality of procurement data.


Deepwater draws congressional fire

A bill proposed by Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) would require the Coast Guard to put its remaining modernization work out for bid once the existing base contract expires in June.


OMB to require standard Windows desktop configuration

In a memo going out to CIOs as early as today, OMB will require agencies to move to a standard Windows desktop configuration developed by NIST and the Air Force by Feb. 1, 2008.


DOD renews acquisition reform by focusing on unearned fees

New contracting policies respond to longstanding contracting concerns.


Editorial: Doan’s task

Despite the controversy surrounding her, the GSA administrator’s main goal should be leaving the agency better than she found it.


GAO wants board of contract appeals

The proposed group would help GAO work through its growing case workload at a more efficient and predictable pace, Comptroller General David Walker said Friday.


FedBizOpps procurement stalls once again

GSA is mum on next steps as judge denies government’s request for reconsideration.


GAO: Future Combat System remains a risk

Even if technology issues can be resolved to make the program a success, GAO cautions that projected costs continue to rise.