Digital Government

NIH Needs ‘Honest Broker’ To Manage New COVID-19 Data Warehouse

The health agency is looking for a vendor to act as a “neutral intermediary” to spur research without compromising patient privacy.

Digital Government

GAO: More Than Half of COVID-19 Government Contracts Not Competitively Awarded

While some of that spending went through existing IDIQs, some $7.7 billion in new contracts were awarded “using the unusual and compelling urgency exception.”

Digital Government

HUD IG Warns Agencies to Watch Out for Bidding Fraud

Procurement officials should be on alert for anticompetitive bidding scheme and possible collusion, the agency’s inspector general says.


Shift Left: DevSecOps and the Path to Continuous Authority to Operate

DevSecOps, containerization and cloud native security methods are here, but streamlining their use is an ongoing challenge in government.

Emerging Tech

DHS Wants COVID-19 Response Tech that Protects Health and Privacy

The Science and Technology Directorate issued a call using its other transaction authority asking for innovative solutions to protect its employees and the public. 


Treasury Department Wants To Move Its Cloud Into Another Cloud

The Fiscal Service wants to move its servers into two third-party managed data centers while keeping ownership and control over its hardware.

Emerging Tech

Pentagon Seeks New Means for Detecting Underground Nuclear Tests

The Air Force put out a request for information regarding how to improve detection capabilities.

Emerging Tech

Library of Congress Wants To Try Adding Humans to Automated Processes

The Library of Congress has automated its metadata tagging but wants to reintroduce humans to the process to ensure a level of accuracy and ethics.

Digital Government

Agencies Could Use Improvement in Contracting Forecast Data

According to an industry group study, most federal agencies aren’t sharing details about  their upcoming acquisitions needs as well as they could.


Pentagon Officials to Industry: Bring Us Tech That is Easy to Integrate

Information systems that are easy to integrate and build in cybersecurity practices at the foundation top officials' wishlist.


VA Wants a Veteran-Owned Business to Upgrade Wichita Facility’s IT Ahead of Health Records Rollout

The deployment of Veterans Affairs’ new electronic health record program has been on hold while the agency deals with COVID-19 but the agency wants to get Wichita’s infrastructure ready to roll.

Digital Government

U.S. Chief Technology Officer to Serve as One of the Pentagon's Top Tech Officials

The new acting head of defense research and engineering comes from the White House with a relatively light resume.

Emerging Tech

$12 Billion Intelligence IT Contract Out for Bid

Proposals for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s SITE III contract are due Aug. 21.

Digital Government

Experts Break Down GSA’s Abrupt Cancellation of $15B Small Business IT GWAC

Four federal contracting experts joined Nextgov to discuss what happened with Alliant 2 Small Business, what’s next for the family of contracts and what this means for GSA’s suite of small business vehicles.


Senate Defense Authorization Amendment Looks to Advance More Secure Software Procurement

Defense officials would outline requirements and procedures with implications for all the federal government.

Digital Government

GSA Opens Bids for Largest Governmentwide Small Business Contract to Date

The final request for proposals is out for GSA’s IT services-focused 8(a) STARS III contract, which will have a ceiling of $50 billion.


After Years In Limbo, GSA Cancels $15B Governmentwide IT Contract

The agency rescinded awards on the Alliant 2 Small Business last year, then canceled the solicitation altogether.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Systems Will Need to Have Certification, CISA Official Says

A process for vetting algorithms and their input data is needed to build confidence in the tech but is still very far off.