
UPDATED: DOD extends Defense Travel System deal, preps next pact

Northrop Grumman Mission Systems holds the current DTS contract, which expires at the end of the fiscal year.


Leave contracting alone, industry coalition says

Several trade organizations have issued a joint statement condemning the SARA Panel's proposed contracting reforms, saying they would erase a decade of procurement reforms.


PC Mall wins BPA

The reseller will add more than 12,000 IT products to the GSA Global Supply’s offerings.


GSA weighs Section 803 changes

Panel recommendations would require civilian agencies to meet the same competition requirements that DOD organizations meet.


GSA wants to add SEWP to its plate

Some GSA supporters question whether the timing is right, given the agency’s challenges


Lawmakers focus on fairness to small businesses

SBA reauthorization bill proposes measures designed to level the competitive playing field.


Denett confirmed as OFPP administrator

Procurement experts say he has the acquisition community’s confidence.


DHS IG slams lack of IT systems for Katrina buys

The department does not have a system that can provide reliable information on procurement related to hurricane response efforts, a report states.


Senate wants annual small-business certifications

Authorization bill also allows SBA to create tiers that subdivide small-business categories.


Doan interested in NASA SEWP

GSA administrator wants GWAC to come under her agency's wing.


What ever happened to IPv5?

On the road to IPv6, everyone seems to have overlooked a mile marker.


Stops along the IPv6 road

After drawing the map comes the hands-on work.


Army requires security hardware for all PCs

Coming mandate specifies that new computers contain a standard Trusted Platform Module.


ITES-2S on hold again

Army contracting methods prompt new rounds of protests


Editorial: Purchase cards: Priceless

It is easy to forget the hoops that government employees had to jump through to make smaller purchases a decade ago.


Springer wants OPM to lead by example

Director says an employee-developed strategic plan now guides the agency.


VA drops PCHS for SEWP

The agency will use a NASA contract rather than continuing its own program.


VA to use NASA SEWP IV contracts

The agency chooses to drop the PCHS program when the current contract expires in April 2007.


Senate committee approves OFPP nominee

Paul Denett's nomination to take over procurement policy agency now goes to full Senate.


Maryland saves millions on reverse auction

The state's Department of General Services recently saved more than $7 million on an electricity supply contract it awarded through an online auction.