
DOD could create new small-business set-asides

A provision in the Senate's Defense Authorization legislation could open more doors for small businesses.


Treasury delays TCE deadline

Treasury delayed deadline for controversial telecom contract for two weeks, until Dec. 1.


First Source RFP due by Nov. 18

DHS will accept submissions until Dec. 19 and award contracts in February 2006, according to an department official.


Northrop Grumman takes first step toward $2B Va. deal

A $3.5 million contract from the state will allow for transition planning for an eventual overhaul of Virginia's executive branch IT infrastructure.


Kelman: Grand challenge for government

DARPA offered $2 million for first driverless vehicle to cross the finish line.


NOAA turns to defense contractors

Three integrators will study risk reduction and system designs for the agency's next generation of weather satellites.


Army seeks companies with global reach

Service tries new contracting approach to advance IT modernization.


AKO protests focus on leased government facilities

The protests of CherryRoad Technologies and EDS primarily centered on Lockheed Martin’s proposed use of leased government facilities.


Four teams to build health nets

Limited budget forces HHS to scale back network awards


Defense bill could limit DOD contracting activity

Under a provision of the Senate version of the Defense Authorization bill, new acquisition centers would have to approve proposed procurements.


Alliant progress promised soon

An industry day to discuss GSA's forthcoming contracts was originally promised for this month, but it has not yet been scheduled.


HHS picks four for health net prototypes

Accenture, CSC, IBM and Northrop Grumman will develop test architectures for the proposed National Health Information Network.


NCR pushes IBM out the window at USPS

Under previous contracts, NCR and IBM had provided the customized retail software used in post offices nationwide.


DOD reviewing acquisition reform

A review of the military's acquisition structure and processes could lead to the faster delivery of weapon systems to the battlefield.


GPO awaits Web-harvesting technology

Agency seeks technology that can query specific classes of information.


Report: Mixed forecast for fed market

Agency belt-tightening will affect some IT spending, DOD could decline.


Interagency contracting tops OFPP agenda

Burton and other ELC attendees discuss procurement strategies for 2006.


Aronie: Don't be a target

Using the False Claims Act as a weapon has moved to the GSA schedules.


SAP protests Air Force logistics contract

The company said the service did not pick best value in choosing Oracle for a new logistics system.


Kelman: An open letter to 1102s

It's a tough time for contracting officers, but innovation is needed more than ever