
Kempf: OFPP's legacy is collaboration

Gordon got agency officials to use existing contracts across government, while also sharing their resources, services and contracts.


Alaska Native Corp. program: The case for and against

Critics and supporters disagree about the benefits and disadvantages of the sole-source, set-aside program.


Agencies told to set aside more orders for small firms

Officials want small companies to get more businesses in the growing world of task and delivery orders since that’s where the money has increasingly been going


Short tenures at OFPP hurt acquisition initiatives, experts say

Dan Gordon, soon to leave the agency, set the bar high for the next appointee


Air Force punishes contractors for shoddy work

Three IT firms suspended while officials try to fix problems.


OFPP's Gordon to leave government for the classroom

Dan Gordon, OFPP administrator, is stepping down and heading to George Washington University.


Bidding for savings: Reverse auctions gain new favor

Reverse auctions, always a tool agencies can use, get a boost from a new report


How the $16 muffin story harms the discourse

The story of conference muffins costing $16 each, a recently iconic mental image of government waste, is false -- and Steve Kelman explains why spreading such stories is harmful.

Digital Government

Story of $16 muffin, true or not, makes a splash

A report about the Justice Department overpaying for food was not quite accurate, but it rang true with some readers.


A new push to rethink the small-biz contracting payoff

Where's the return on investment if agencies invest in and foster small businesses that are bought or fail once they outgrow the small-business program?


Agencies, companies wait in limbo about tax repeal

Officials throughout the government—including state and local governments—and contracting companies are having to spend money to modify their systems for a law that might be repealed before it takes effect.


Other cartels that might alarm the former federal CIO

Conspiracy-seekers might not have to look very far to find cause for concern.


Obama: Tax-delinquent measure would complicate contracting

A bill would prohibit an agency from awarding a contract worth more than $5 million unless the company is up to date on its taxes.


When it comes to outsourcing decisions, everyone angles to be 'critical'

The 'intentionally vague' definition of 'critical function' could apply to almost all agency work, says Robert Burton, deputy OFPP administrator during the George W. Bush administration.


Union: Too much discretion in outsourcing will come with a price

Outsourcing critical work could, in the long run, cost agencies their institutional knowledge, argues Colleen Kelley, national president of the National Treasury Employees Union.

Digital Government

USAJobs: Lesson or warning?

OPM's USAJobs experience reignites perennial insourcing/outsourcing debate.


Senators, experts to watch for DOD contract reforms

A defense procurement expert asked senators to question defense officials' support for major acquisition reforms in contingency operations.


Cloud computing opens new questions for procurements

GSA regroups after GAO upholds protest of cloud computing solicitation


Suspension, debarment getting agencies' attention, official says

More agencies are establishing formal suspension and debarment programs and dedicating more staff to handle referrals and manage cases.

Digital Government

Lawmakers urge cap on salary contributions for all contractor employees

Proposed law would tie compensation of all contractor employees -- not just executives -- to federal employees' pay.