
Reviews are mixed for early agile efforts

The government's early agile efforts are well intentioned but miss the mark, reviewers say.


The reinvention of insourcing

Experts say the program faces an uncertain future in 2011.


Can grand design be driven to extinction?

The administration's plan to hasten the end of giant, trouble-plagued IT projects depends on achieving two objectives.


OFPP head urges acquisition leaders to lose fear of rules

Dan Gordon wants officials to be innovative in their approach to purchasing and bring contractors closer into the procurement process to get better results.


Agencies: Don't fear talks with contractors

Dan Gordon, top procurement policy official, is taking a myth-busting campaign to allay the fear of government-industry discussions and reassure federal workers that it's OK to talk.


Industry says ambitious White House IT reform plan is doable

Industry members are praising the Obama administration's 25-step implementation plan for IT management reform, saying that many of its action items align with popular commercial practices.


Better requirements -- at the task-order level

Agencies will do a better job of getting what they need to meet their requirements if they define those requirements in task orders, rather than trying to map out everything in the initial RFP, suggests Steve Kelman.


5 top management priorities for 2011

Columnist Steve Kelman identifies the Obama administration's best options for improving the management of government programs and operations.


Bill seeks to protect against counterfeit IT

Defense Department officials worry that globalization of the IT industry increases its vulnerability to malicious or counterfeit IT systems.


Buying fast, buying better

Acuqisition professionals should strive for accuracy, but not at the expense of speed, writes Steve Kelman.


NASA moves too slow on projects, GAO says

The slow pace of innovation and acquisition at NASA is unsustainable and hinders the agency's mission, according to a Government Accountability Office report issued earlier this week.


Contractor IDs: A lesson from Harry Potter

FCW cartoonist and blogger John Klossner has a solution for feds concerned about identifying who's a fed and who's a contractor.


Issa sets tone for Government Reform Committee

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said he plans to examine government operations and find ways to improve them.


13 ideas for building better RFPs

Procurement experts offer their suggestions for improving how agencies define program requirements.


Why not more software reuse?

Blogger Steve Kelman believes the federal government could make big gains by making it a priority to reuse software wherever possible.


OMB to push for big changes in IT management

The federal government is doing a major rehab on how it oversees and manages the $70 billion in annual IT spending.

Digital Government

Alaska firms could lose special status in new legislation

Sen. Claire McCaskill's bill would remove exclusive provisions for the companies owned by Alaska Native Corporations.


GSA acquisition team gets down to business

Some leaders aren't hailed with cheers and thunderous applause. Instead, they make people realize it’s time to get to work.


Acquisition workforce gets half-hearted support, survey shows

A new survey shows a widening chasm between the trajectory of policy and what acquisition workers see as benefits.


FEMA's contracting oversight is lax, auditors say

The Federal Emergency Management Agency in trouble over allegations that it failed to comply with a 1972 law in monitoring some contracts, according to a new audit.