
A Web-based model for procurement contests

Blogger Steve Kelman believes drug company Eli Lilly has developed a sound approach to funding research and developments via online challenges.

Digital Government

How long will cloud's reality trail the hype?

True believers see it as the future. Detractors call for caution. But what do they both agree on?

Digital Government

Officials put temptation in front of small businesses

When a company can certify itself as a particular type of business entitled to preferential treatment, it is a temptation that is hard to resist, according to one member of Congress.


Intell chief denies charges of too many contractors

Reacting to a Washington Post series, the director of national intelligence said contractors are key but are not doing inherently governmental work.


Agencies defend charges of contracting fraud

Officials say the recently reported fraud that GAO uncovered in a small-business set-aside program comes from business owners and contracting officers not understanding the program rules, but at least one member of Congress rejects that explanation.


New commissioner crafting plan to re-energize FAS

The new commissioner will release a new strategy for revitalizing the Federal Acquisition Service and setting a new course.


House mulls increasing contractor oversight

The Federal Contracting Oversight and Reform Act seeks to repair an ineffective contracting system that award contracts to companies with histories of poor performance and misconduct.


It's official: Federal Acquisition Service has new commish

Steve Kempf is now the commissioner of the General Services Administration's Federal Acquisition Service, while Jon Jordan has been named deputy FAS commissioner.


How contests can improve government performance (and procurement)

Blogger Steve Kelman believes public contests are a great way to generate ideas to improve government operations and cut costs.


Executive, legislative branches' insourcing edicts send mixed messages

The White House and Congress are beaming decrees across the government about insourcing federal work, but the messages they're sending to agencies and departments are mixed.


SBA, IG disagree on sole-source awards

In awarding two sole-source contracts, IG says SBA officials defeated the purpose of the Recovery Act.


Alliant tops $1 billion in 14 months of business

The General Services Administration's Alliant governmentwide acquisition contract outpaces its predecessors, ANSWER and Millennia, in overall sales, according to sales figures.


Most major DHS acquisitions are over budget, behind schedule: GAO

Audit by the Government Accountability Office finds that 12 of 15 large procurements at the Homeland Security Department suffer from cost overruns, planning obstacles that include staffing shortages and lack of sustainment planning, as well as execution challenges related to technical capability and dependence on contractor partners.


Senators press OFPP chief on mandatory BPAs

Officials disagree about mandating the use of certain purchasing agreements even for the most ordinary items, such as office supplies.


Procurement office to agencies: Business cases, interagency contracts go hand-in-hand

Agencies would be required to develop a business case before launching a multi-agency contract under a guidance from the Office of Federal Procurement Policy expected later this summer.

Digital Government

Pentagon tightens reins on contractors

The Defense Department wants its contractors to cut their costs as part of a larger DOD strategy to maintain its power as budgets decline.

Digital Government

Government efficiency: It's not about the light bulbs

Readers answer the question: "How many feds does it take to change a light bulb?"


Don't cut corners on insourcing transitions

Agencies need to transition positions without losing institutional knowledge, writes Peter G. Tuttle, CPCM.


The case for more acquisition training options

The Department of Veterans Affairs' Jan Frye explains the rationale behind VA's Acquisition Academy.


Orszag's departure expected to have little effect on IT, acquisition

Information technology initiatives, acquisition policies are stable issues and won't feel much from the turmoil of OMB leadership changes, experts say.