Digital Government

Treasury plans auctions for $2B services contract

Treasury Department officials are proposing that reverse auctions be used in awarding task orders under its $2 billion Total Information Processing Support Services contract.


Three ways to revitalize the use of past-performance data

Blogger Steve Kelman suggests three simple steps to make past-performance data a more valuable criterion in source selections.


GSA, acquisition councils seek advice on publishing federal contract actions

The General Services Administration and federal acquisition councils are seeking advice from the public and affected businesses on how to publish federal contract text online.

Digital Government

Navy plans preferred contractor program

The Navy plans to offer favorable terms and conditions to companies in a new program in exchange for exemplary work, according to the service.


OFPP's Frontline Forum is back

Blogger Steve Kelman is pleased to see that OFPP's Dan Gordon has revived the practice of meeting with contracting professionals from across the government.


GAO reveals recipe for DOD programs success

Here's the Government Accountability Office's recipe for creating successful programs: a mix of high-ranking officials' support and proactive managers poured over sound a business case.


Acquisition 2.0 can breathe new life into battered workforce

More online engagement with the private sector could help federal acquisition workers develop better solicitations in less time, according to one reader.


Acquisition hiring can be a hit-or-miss proposition

Without a standard checklist to refer to when hiring for your agency's acquisition workforce, blogger John Klossner writes that the ability to decipher nonverbal clues may be the next best thing.


Here's the pitch: An acquisition workforce reality show

As with all things in our culture, if we really want the world of acquisition training to be better known and understood, we need to create a reality show for it.

Digital Government

The way to better contracts

Writing performance-based contracts might take longer in the short run, but the long-term benefits are more than worth it, writes Steve Kelman.


GSA's environmental 'moon shot'

GSA Administrator Martha Johnson has goals for environmental improvements that she compares to the Apollo space program for ambitiousness.

Digital Government

GAO finds $325M awarded to ineligible firms under SBA program

The Government Accountability Office found numerous cases of fraud while investigating 14 firms that falsely received federal contracts under the pretext of being small and disadvantaged businesses.


Inherently governmental job proposal blurs a blurry world

The new phrases “closely associated with inherently governmental function” and “critical function,” are causing the most concern, panelists say.


House passes bill to upgrade DOD acquisition workforce

The bill seeks to reform the 80 percent of the Defense Department's acquisition system that 2009's reform didn't touch, some lawmakers say.


Martha Johnson's statement on GSA's FY 2011 budget request

GSA is dedicated to stimulating the economy through job creation, reducing the Federal government’s carbon footprint and increasing energy security, and ensuring that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and transparently.


GSA wants $24.9M for acquisition workforce

GSA Administrator Martha Johnson says she wants to build up the acquisition workforce and modernize information systems.


An innovative approach to mentoring the new contracting workforce

The FBI turns to FFRDC employees to work with its latest generation of contracting staff, writes blogger Steve Kelman.


EPA hit for delays on evaluating contractors

EPA's contracting officers were roughly four months late turning in their contractor performance evaluations, a new report says.


Outsourcing has gone too far, official says

The government is outsourcing an unprecedented amount of work, and the Obama administration wants more work in federal employees' hands, an official says.


Obama moves on small-business contracting

The president has created task forces to focus on small-business contracting problems and opportunities for companies owned by service-disabled veterans.