
Justice Official Dangles Liability Protections to Encourage Private-Sector Breach Reports

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco also promised to compensate whistleblowers who reveal federal contractors misrepresenting their cybersecurity posture.


Feds Urge Action Against BlackMatter Ransomware Based on Third-Party Tip

A joint advisory officially associates the notorious ransomware-as-a-service group with the Colonial Pipeline attack.


Treasury Analysis Identifies Cryptocurrency Exchanges Associated With Ransomware

The department is tracking a huge increase in ransomware disclosures but data suggests the events are still grossly underreported.


White House Unveils 32 Countries Invited to Participate in Ransomware Meeting

India, the United Kingdom, Australia and Germany will have leadership roles during the two-day event. Russia was not invited.


Biden Signs School Cybersecurity Bill

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will study the cyber risks facing elementary and secondary schools and develop recommendations to assist schools in facing those risks.


Lawmakers Ask How They Can Help Agencies Fight Crypto-enabled Ransomware Hacks

A new bill would require public and private entities to report on ransomware payments, including the nature of currency used, to DHS within 48 hours.


DOJ Announces Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team

The group will include cybersecurity and anti-money laundering experts looking to crack down on ransomware and other criminal efforts. 

Emerging Tech

IRS’ Criminal Investigators Want Help Breaking into Physical Crypto Wallets

The agency’s digital forensics unit is looking for a small business to help make routine processes out of some nascent research into related hardware hacking techniques.


Treasury Sanctions First Cryptocurrency Exchange to Combat Ransomware 

The department also emphasized guidance for victim organizations who risk running afoul of enforcers by paying attackers and failing to report incidents.

Artificial Intelligence

Biden Calls for 'United Response' to Emerging Tech, Cyber Warfare in U.N. Speech

“It’s up to all of us to determine whether these technologies are a force to empower people or to deepen repression,” he said.


Cybercriminals Use Pandemic to Attack Schools and Colleges

The average ransomware attack cost educational institutions $2.73 million.


FBI Official: Russia Is Not Cooperating with U.S. Against Ransomware Threat

Administration officials promised consequences after a meeting between presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin.


CISA Encourages Mitigations in Face of OnePercent Group

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency shared an FBI flash report on the group which provides insight into the extent of the ransomware business ecosystem.


Hackers Strike Another Hospital System

Cybercriminals struck Memorial Health System, a nonprofit that runs three hospitals, outpatient service sites and clinics spread across southeastern Ohio and northwestern West Virginia.


CISA Offers Tips to Protect Data in Face of Evolving Ransomware Attacks

The cybersecurity agency warned attackers now threaten to sell or leak stolen data, not just render systems unusable.


States Weigh Bans on Ransomware Payoffs

The idea is that this would deter attacks because cybercriminals would know they couldn’t get paid.