Emerging Tech

Mark Zuckerberg Floated a “Supreme Court” for Facebook. What Does That Mean?

In many ways, Facebook is more like a government than a company, Zuckerberg claims.

Digital Government

It’s Time to Regulate the Internet

Mark Zuckerberg might believe the world is better without privacy. He’s wrong.


FEC Gets the Ball Rolling on Online Political Ads Rules

If passed, the rules would require websites to disclose who paid for online political ads urging viewers to vote for or against a specific candidate.

Digital Government

Dear State and Local Gov: FCC Chair Ajit Pai Is Just Not That Into You

Pai even blew up an intergovernmental advisory committee after members asked to talk to him about its future.

Digital Government

State CIOs Want Federal Agencies to Get Out of Their Way

NASCIO’s advocacy priorities cite duplicative and conflicting security regulations and audits as a waste of time and money.

Digital Government

FTC 'Do Not Call' Numbers Get 375,000 Robocalls Every Month

New tech is making it easier for telemarketers to make calls and hide from law enforcement.


Net Neutrality Was Never Enough

The internet is as much the enemy as it is the hero of contemporary life.


Russia, North Korea Eye Bitcoin for Money Laundering, Putting It on a Crash Course with Regulators

Thieves and sanctioned countries are targeting the digital currency’s exchanges, setting up a fight between governments and cryptocurrency powerhouses.

Artificial Intelligence

Agencies Could Struggle to Remove Bias From Algorithms

It’s a regulatory challenge to ensure that artificially intelligent systems aren’t making decisions based on biased information.


FCC Kills Net Neutrality Rules, Hands Internet Back to FTC

After the vote, the power to police internet service providers shifts back the Federal Trade Commission.


Congress Resets Shutdown Clock

Lawmakers get rebuffed trying to delay the coming net neutrality vote and start asking questions about kids using Facebook’s messaging app.


With New Testing Rules, Will 2018 Finally Be the Year of the Drone?

The visual line-of-sight rule is perhaps the most important limitation to widespread commercial use of drones.


Bots or Not, FCC Refuses to Delay Net Neutrality Vote

Despite increasing concerns over the integrity of the public comment process, the agency will vote as scheduled.


FTC Ready to Police Internet If FCC Repeals Net Neutrality Rules

The Federal Trade Commission has a long-established role in preserving online competition, Acting Chairwoman Maureen Ohlhausen said.


Network Neutrality Can't Fix the Internet

The FCC is poised to dismantle common carriage for broadband and wireless providers. That’s bad, but the internet itself is worse.


FCC Chairman: Government Will Stop ‘Micromanaging the Internet’

Chairman Ajit Pai unveiled the commission’s plan to roll back net neutrality regulations put in place during the Obama administration.

Digital Government

Silicon Valley Should Be Governed by “Star Trek” Regulations

It would be highly illogical to allow our enthusiasm for innovation to run amok without safeguards.