
Hackers Could Shut Down Satellites—or Turn Them into Weapons

On the mundane end of scale, hackers could simply shut satellites down.


Astroturfing Is Bad But It's Not the Whole Problem

The shift to a digital process has made commenting easier yet also inadvertently opened the floodgates to voluminous, duplicative and, yes, even “fake” comments.


Union Leader Says Utilities Not Incentivized to Report Cyber Incidents or Implement Protections

FERC’s recently “expanded” reporting requirements leave it up to entities to decide on qualifying events.

Artificial Intelligence

White House Proposes 'Light-Touch Regulatory Approach' for Artificial Intelligence

The guidelines are intended to help govern the FDA’s approval process for AI-powered medical devices, and other regulations around private sector AI-use.

Emerging Tech

Proposed FAA Rule Would Kickstart New Economy For IDing Drones

The new remote ID rule would require all unmanned aircraft systems to have a unique identifier that can be tracked by the FAA, law enforcement and the general public.


Like Voldemort, Ransomware Is Too Scary to Be Named

Wary of alarming investors, companies victimized by ransomware attacks often tell the SEC that “malware” or a “security incident” disrupted their operations.

Emerging Tech

Lawmakers Want to Ban Unauthorized Drones from Flying Over Stadium Concerts

The FAA currently only issues temporary flight restrictions during sporting events, but a bipartisan group of senators wants to protect stadium skies during all types of events.

Artificial Intelligence

Building the Public’s Trust in AI Is Key to Coming Guidance, White House Official Says

The administration’s assistant director for artificial intelligence shared details about an in-the-works memo to modernize agencies’ regulatory approaches to the emerging tech.

Digital Government

OMB Touts Money and Time Saved From Regulatory Cuts, Eliminating Busywork

President’s management agenda update highlights 100 “burden-reducing” initiatives. 


The Case for Commercial Solutions in Government

The applications an agency is looking for are very likely already on the market, cost-effective and field-proven.  


Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Raises Legal and Ethical Concerns

Policymakers should establish a number of safeguards around AI, much as they did when genetic testing became commonplace.


Don't Ban New Technologies – Experiment with Them Carefully

Asking for forgiveness instead of permission has its place.


Regulating Facebook, Google and Amazon Is Hard Given Their Bewildering Complexity

Whether you’re an individual, business, or government, if you need the internet, you need their services.

Emerging Tech

Industry Group Asks U.S. CTO and FAA Administrator to Focus on Large Drone Regulations

The Federal Aviation Administration is working on regulations for small drone flights but has yet to take up unmanned systems over 55 pounds.

Emerging Tech

Why Electric Scooters Companies Are Getting Serious About Safety

Lime has joined rival Bird in establishing a safety advisory board tasked with helping the e-scooter industry shape local regulations—and shake its risky reputation.


To Fight Online Disinformation, Reinvigorate Media Policy

Disinformation, toxic speech, and polarization online are a result opaque digital information systems. The fix? We can start by updating the approach of media policy for the new environment.


How to Stop Fearing AI

The latest cloud of fear emanating is that artificial intelligence will pass along or even amplify the biases and inequities that have plagued our society for decades.


The Coalition Out to Kill Tech as We Know It

With enemies like these, the industry is going to need some friends.

Emerging Tech

Why Aren’t Cities Getting Ready for Autonomous Vehicles?

Self-driving vehicle technology may be coming, but most city leaders aren’t doing much to anticipate our robot-car future, a new study warns.

Artificial Intelligence

Developing Standards For AI Won’t Go Like Past Technologies

Top experts and officials working on artificial intelligence say global competition has set the stage for a very different standards discussion than with past technologies.