
The ghosts of small businesses past

Critics say SBA's small-business score cards are meaningless because small businesses aren't actually doing the work.


Senators, SBA dispute accuracy of small-business credit

Senators question whether small-business contracting goals are an "empty achievement."


Government gets a B in 2010 small-business contracting

The government awarded $97.9 billion to small businesses in 2010, compared to $96.8 billion in 2009.

Digital Government

Weathering the storm

People with a low opinion of the federal government like to pass around jokes that have the punch line: "I'm from the federal government and I'm here to help." President Ronald Reagan famously called them "the 10 most frightening words in the English language."

Digital Government

Former GSA procurement chief goes to the Hill again

Emily Murphy will be working on small-business contracting and workforce issues for a House committee.


SBA starts contracting program for women

Contracting officers can now set aside contracts for woman-owned small businesses, under an interim rule issued today to amend regulations.


SBA changes anti-suspension, debarment culture, IG says

Some SBA officials believe enforcement foils their agency's mission.


Despite big budget cut, SBA would get more funds for IT, oversight

President Barack Obama wants funding for the Small Business Administration's core agency work, including spending on IT, building up SBA’s workforce, and protecting programs from fraud.


House committee to review SBA's management

The House Small Business Committee's chairman is looking for duplicative offices and programs that don't aid small businesses or protect the government.

Digital Government

Brown-Dixon goes from GSA to SBA

A small-business guru and director of small business takes talents to SBA


SBA site offers interactive features

The Small Business Administration gives users of its new website the chance to get customized information on their business situation.

Digital Government

SBA lifts GTSI ban; Friedlander, general counsel resign

Small Business Administration lifts GTSI's temporary suspension, but the company's executive suite pays a heavy toll.


SBA to launch small business program for women

SBA officials are setting up procedures to help woman-owned small businesses gain more access to the federal contracting marketplace.

Digital Government

GTSI suspended from federal government contracting

GTSI has been suspended from winning new government contracts but vows to defend itself against charges that it inappropriately received small-business contract dollars.


Fake companies still win SBA approval

GAO tests SBA's set-aside program with fake companies that used the Alamo's address as their headquarters and still won certification.


SBA, IG disagree on sole-source awards

In awarding two sole-source contracts, IG says SBA officials defeated the purpose of the Recovery Act.


New SBA deputy administrator confirmed by Senate

Marie Collins Johns will be the second-ranking official at the Small Business Administration, with responsibilities for management, policy development and program supervision.

Digital Government

SBA honors computer simulation exec

The small business uses video games-based training to help prepare government agencies and businesses for emergencies and other types of critical training, according to SBA.

Digital Government

SBA flunks data collection on serving limited-English people, GAO says

Of several agencies, the Small Business Administration performed the worst on measures for ensuring access to services for people with limited English, according to a GAO report.


SBA leader vows to crack down on small-business fraud

SBA plans to become more aggressive in suspending and debarring companies from receiving federal contracts, the agency's administrator tells a House committee.