Digital Government

Millennials say 'no thanks' to 9-5

A generation used to technology and Internet at its fingertips is changing the workplace, ditching the traditional 9-to-5 schedule for more flexibility.


All VA medical centers have Facebook pages. Now what?

The Veterans Affairs Department made a announcement that all their medical centers are now ready to actively engage with veterans on Facebook. We took a closer look.

Digital Government

Payroll tax cut campaign moves to Twitter, Facebook

A social media campaign designed to pressure GOP members to extend a payroll tax cut has taken off on social media sites.

Digital Government

Coburn: High tech projects among the 100 most wasteful

Sen. Tom Coburn's annual list of wasteful government spending does not spare new technologies.


Agencies question value of social media

Market Connections released a new survey with insights into social media use by 533 federal, state and local government employees.


VanRoekel: Citizens expect more digital interaction with government

With the emergence of a Facebook Nation, Americans have come to expect more digital interaction with their government, says Obama's chief information officer.


Facebook Timeline application now available to all users

The long-awaited--some say long-dreaded--Timeline application on Facebook that showcases past photographs and status updates is finally available.


Government IT terminology has political bias

The Sunlight Foundation transparency group released its revamped version of Capitol Word, a tool by which to gauge popularity of words used by Congress.


Government officials need to be ready for 'sousveillance,' social trend expert says

Social media users are becoming sophisticated in finding and spreading information about government.


How to stand out from the LinkedIn crowd

Creative, effective and organized? So's everyone else on LinkedIn.


How to measure social media reach

There's more to social media reach than counting followers and fans.


'Socialytics' to become tech trend in 2012

Analysts predict 2012 will see more focus on mobility and social media use in federal agencies.

Digital Government

Navy leads DOD efforts in social media engagement honoring Pearl Harbor Day

The Defense Department, following the Navy's lead, has been using social media to interact with the public in commemorating the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor.


Employment announcement crashes BLS website

Shortly after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced the latest job figures, Twitter users reported an outage at BLS website.


Federal agency blogs gaining fresh appeal on Tumblr platform

A handful of federal agencies have created blogs on the popular Tumblr platform, and experts say more may be following their example.


Federal agencies ranked on Twitter engagement

Do your tweets get reaction and retweeting, or does Twitter feel like you are shouting down a well?


Digital diplomacy: Facebook users build good will for Obama Indonesia visit

The U.S. embassy in Jakarta has applied digital diplomacy with a popular Facebook page attracting fans in Indonesia.


NASA takes giant leap onto Google Plus

Keeping with its reputation for innovation and adventure, NASA appears to be the first federal agency to create a Google+ Page.


A little help from the crowd, please?

A groundbreaking game designed by the Institute for the Future could find the answers to some very complicated questions.


Can the White House keep up with We the People?

Participation in the White House's We the People online petition initiative is so robust that the government seems to be finding it challenging to keep up the pace.