Digital Government

Want to go to space?

Foursquare, 7-Eleven and Super 8 the movie have partnered to send one contest winner into space.

Digital Government

Design a logo, win a prize

Interior Department offers a $1,000 prize for a logo design.

Digital Government

What IBM could teach feds about social media

IBM could teach government agencies a few things about managing Facebook and Twitter.

Digital Government

GSA: More social media apps free for the taking

The General Services Administration has negotiated terms of service for federal agencies with providers of 51 free social media applications to date.

Digital Government

Hurricane center tries out Facebook, Twitter

The National Hurricane Center began the 2011 storm season June 1 with a presence on Facebook and Twitter for the first time.

Digital Government

Zombies, killer cyborgs and the government

Agencies and officials loosen up in their use of social media.

Digital Government

Will the next NASA shuttle launch Tweetup be overshadowed by amateur pic again?

NASA is inviting 150 Twitter followers to get a bird's-eye view of the Atlantis shuttle launch.


Research company sees acceleration in federal innovation

The federal government has become more innovative in the past 24 months and looks likely to continue on that path, according to a new report.

Digital Government

Open gov: So far, so good, but further still to go

GSA's David McClure discusses the state of open government and the importance of customer service.

Digital Government

Government learns social media has a double edge

The public knows where to find your Facebook page and they're increasingly ready to use it to let you know what they think. Are you listening?


Budget cuts hit e-gov efforts hard

Thanks to a 75 percent cut in funding, the White House is killing some e-gov and Government 2.0 efforts, halting advances on others.

Digital Government

Meet the Twitternator: White House social media guru's theatrical entrance

The White House's new director of social media rapid response started the week with a tweet featuring a startling image.


How much fun and games do federal websites need?

Are flashy interactive features really necessary for a government website to be considered "good?"

Digital Government

Watch out for zombies! No, not hacked computers ... zombies

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was joking when it published a preparedness and disaster awareness kit to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse -- wasn't it?


Intelligence takes the spotlight at DOD

Defense intelligence is closed by nature, but now the door is opening to let in open-source and Web 2.0 technologies -- and they're changing the way DOD operates.


GSA's Davie to lead technology council

Davie will serve as executive president of the American Council for Technology's new Executive Committee.


NASA starts first federal network on SlideShare

NASA is the first federal agency to explore the possibilities of an aggregate network on the SlideShare platform.


Metrics take the guesswork out of Gov 2.0

Agencies need the right mix of best practices, standard tools and custom benchmarks to demonstrate the legitimacy of their Gov 2.0 efforts.


Can the Web force the release of bin Laden photos?

The relentless search for photos of Osama bin Laden's body, and the potential risks to people searching for them online, might force the administration's hand.


SSA's CIO Baitman tells of lessons learned from video contest

Social Security Administration CIO Frank Baitman described four lessons learned from SSA's experience with a video contest that drew a small number of submissions.