
Former State Dept. official cops to cyberstalking scheme

A former State Department employee pleaded guilty to computer hacking, cyberstalking and "sextortion" while based at the U.S. embassy in London.


Senators seek answers about data gaps in visa waiver program

A Senate panel quizzed policymakers and experts about potential remedies for problems with the 30-year-old visa waiver program.


DHS chief looks to Congress on visa waiver gaps

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson wants Congress to help close data gaps that some say could provide a backdoor entrance for terrorists.


IG: State lax on information security

A newly released audit concludes that the State Department is not complying with federal information security standards and has failed to fully implement a continuous monitoring strategy.

Digital Government

IG knocks State's handling of $3.5B contract

A State Department office charged with overseeing a $3.5 billion contract failed to validate certain performance metrics while the department paid incentive fees to contractors on the project, according to a new report.


State Department seeks more advanced biometrics

The State Department, like the Pentagon, is interested in more sophisticated biometric technologies to help with security overseas.


Twin brothers sentenced for hacking State Department

A State Department contractor and his twin brother are facing jail for conspiring to hack into State Department computer systems to obtain passport and visa information.


Clinton aide wanted to go public about State's 'antiquated' tech

After leaving government, former top State Department official Anne-Marie Slaughter wanted to blow the whistle on shadow IT to get more funding for better tech.


Help desk at State pinged Clinton's private email address

A State Department IT worker stumbled on Hillary Clinton's private email address in 2010, and wrote a note to Clinton about a possible glitch.


Millennium Challenge Corporation needs a CIO

The job pays pay $125,000 to $168,317 at an agency tasked with providing grants to developing countries committed to good governance and economic freedom.


NIST identifies objectives for cyber standards

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is proposing four broad objectives as the foundation for international standards in cyberspace.


White House plugs plan to boost immigration IT

The U.S. Digital Service wants to bring a more intuitive process and consistent look and feel to online immigration applications.


As secretary, Clinton turned to top aides for tech support

Rather than seeking assistance from the State Department help desk, she emailed senior aides for assistance.

Digital Government

Hardware still hindering State visa process

After a June 9 hardware failure ground the State Department's process for issuing visas overseas to a near halt, two-thirds of the department's posts are now back online and issuing visas.


New glitch stalls State's visa and passport database

A June 9 hardware failure stalls passport and visa issuances, but is apparently unrelated to last year's failure of the Consular Consolidated Database.