
State Department tech sputters back to life

Employees at Foggy Bottom can now send and receive external emails, something they could not do Nov. 17, but still cannot access the Internet.


State Department shuts down unclassified email network

A breach at the State Department reportedly occurred in early October, around the same time as an attack on the White House's unclassified computer network.


Workforce, infrastructure and avoiding future crashes: Q&A with Greg Ambrose

FCW sat down recently for an exclusive interview with Greg Ambrose, the State Department's director of consular systems and technology, who talked about how his office is trying to prevent a repeat of the malfunction its visa and passport database experienced July 20.


Twitter's soft power

A former U.S. diplomat argues that social media is extending the range and influence of foreign leaders


The Top 10 stories on

Most FCW readers strive to make government work better, but in the past 12 months, they often chose to read about what went wrong.


State Department: Crash not 'malicious'

The Consular Consolidated Database is operating at limited capacity after a glitch crippled it July 19.


State's passport and visa system crashes

Problems with the Consular Consolidated Database could strand thousands of people waiting for documents around the globe.


Open Gov: Who's late out of the gate?

A handful of agencies, including the departments of State and Veterans Affairs, are lagging behind the pack in releasing their open government plans.


No thawing of cyber tensions on Kerry’s Beijing trip

A "frank exchange" of views between the U.S. and China yielded no concrete results on the cyber-attack front.


Trent Janda: Making electronic medical records a reality

The Coast Guard is poised to begin deploying its Integrated Health Information System, thanks in large part to the drive of the service's chief medical information officer.


From disruption to innovation: Bridging a growing cultural gap

If we want real innovation, we need to stop looking for ways to circumvent the federal acquisition system and work together to improve it, writes Stan Soloway.

Digital Government

State Department: Mapping the humanitarian crisis in Syria

The department's maps can help people make sense of complex humanitarian emergencies and understand what is happening on the ground.

Digital Government

Why maps matter

With new technologies and an explosion of geodata, more and more agencies are mapping to make sense of their missions.

Digital Government

Senator aims to boost use of stolen-passport database

Sen. Charles Schumer’s proposal would block countries from the visa waiver program if they don’t use Interpol’s travel document service.


Federal agencies flunking FOIA

None of the 15 agencies studied earned an A on a Freedom of Information Act report card from the Center for Effective Government, and seven – including DOD, DHS and State – got an F.