
The DEA And ICE Are Hiding Surveillance Cameras In Streetlights

It’s unclear where the streetlight cameras have been installed, or where the next deployments will take place.

Emerging Tech

Intel Community is Developing a More Spy-Proof Room

The intelligence community’s research arm is upgrading SCIF security to protect against threats from personal devices and sensors.

Emerging Tech

ACLU Demands Homeland Security Disclose Facial Recognition Tech Details

The organization is highly concerned with ICE's use of facial recognition technology.


Russian Intel Chief: Internet Should Be Controlled By ‘Proper Authorities’

The FSB says it’s trying to curb extremism online — but it’s also muting foreign and dissenting voices.

Emerging Tech

Schools Are Spending Big On Surveillance Technology. Is It Worth It?

After Parkland, schools are installing gunshot-detection systems typically used in cities like Oakland and Chicago. But the concrete benefits of the technology are dubious.


Report: China Used Tiny Chips to Infiltrate the U.S. Supply Chain

A Chinese company targeted data centers of some of the largest commercial companies, according to a report.


That Sign Telling You How Fast You’re Driving May Be Spying On You

These common roadside devices could be capturing your license plate data.

Emerging Tech

The Always-On Police Camera

A new patent proposes body cameras that can automatically activate in response to the sound of gunfire, or scan crowds for criminal suspects. What does that mean for expectations of privacy in public spaces?

Digital Government

When Transit Agencies Spy on Riders

For months, the Bay Area’s transit agency sent license plate information to federal immigration authorities, violating its own “sanctuary” policy.

Digital Government

Welcome to the Age of Privacy Nihilism

Google and Facebook are easy scapegoats, but companies have been collecting, selling, and reusing your personal data for decades, and now that the public has finally noticed, it’s too late. The personal-data privacy war is long over, and you lost.

Artificial Intelligence

Schools Are Using AI to Track What Students Write on Their Computers

This software is raising ethical concerns about the line between safety and privacy.