
Connolly presses for legislation on telework, internships and OPM

A new bill on federal internships would require interns be paid and create a central online source of information on federal internships, among other measures.


What’s New for Feds in Windows 11?

Hybrid work environments seem to have influenced the design and features of Windows 11.

Digital Government

OPM Encourages Agencies to Expand Telework, Remote Work Permanently in New Guidance

The Office of Personnel Management on Friday issued its first major update to its telework guide in a decade.


OPM updates decade-old telework guide

The Office of Personnel Management is asking agencies to rethink their approach to work in light of lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.


SSA plans to bring workers back to the office

Field office and teleservice employees at the Social Security Administration will still have some ability to telework even after the agency implements a "reentry process" for managers and staff.


GAO prods OPM to review pandemic hiring

A new Government Accountability Office report says that not compiling the lessons learned from special hiring authorities could "risk significantly hindering the government's ability to recruit, hire, retain and manage its current COVID-19 pandemic workforce as well as for future pandemics or emergencies."

Digital Government

Biden Team Wants to Know How Feds Feel About the Return to Office, Inclusion and More

Administration officials are seeking feedback in short “pulse” surveys that will go out roughly every two months.  


Working Group Breaks Down the Keys to Securing Mobile Devices

The Federal Mobility Group’s new guidance includes four strategic pillars that form the foundations of mobile security.


Mitigating Cloud Risks Starts With Full Visibility of Shadow IT

New survey findings highlight the need for a data-centric approach to cloud security in the era of remote work.

Digital Government

OPM’s Telework Initiatives Dovetail with Climate Change Planning

The agency announced a program to connect leaders from the private and nonprofit sectors with federal agencies to address climate change.


CISA Finalizes Guidance for Securing Federal Networks for Remote Users

The latest guidance is the third of four use cases to be released as part of the Trusted Internet Connection 3.0 initiative.

Digital Government

The Latest on Agencies’ Return-to-Office Plans

A look at agencies’ various approaches to getting employees back to their worksites; this list will be updated periodically.


OPM director talks federal recruitment with students

Kiran Ahuja talked about streamlining hiring, implementing President Biden's executive order on diversity and more at a George Mason University event.

Digital Government

Labor Department Awards Verizon $887M to Radically Revamp IT Backbone

No other Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions selections are planned by the department.


5 Post-Pandemic Federal Telecom Trends 

The past year and a half of telework and remote service delivery have accelerated the impact of the government's digital transformation efforts.


Telework is the new normal for Air Force Materiel Command

Air Force Materiel Command is preparing to have half of its headquarters personnel working remotely at least some of the time, Commander Gen. Arnold Bunch said.

Digital Government

Transition to Permanent Remote Work Will Disrupt High-Cost Urban Areas

Cities will need to show residents who can do their jobs from most anywhere why they should continue living in densely packed places, according to new research.