
Agencies feel IT staff shortages from Trump administration hiring freezes

Trump administration hiring freezes have been causing a strain on federal agencies trying to cope with the demands put on IT staff because of telework.

Digital Government

White House Directs Agencies to Revise Their Pandemic Plans

The “paramount concern is the health and safety of all federal employees, on-site contractors, and individuals interacting with the federal workforce,” OMB said. 


OPM says federal employee job satisfaction is up

Full results of the delayed Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey won't be out until the spring, according to the Office of Personnel Management, but a preliminary look at topline results suggests federal employee job satisfaction is improving.

Digital Government

Smithsonian Seeks Lead for Broad Swath of Digital Transformation Efforts

The position is based out of the Washington, D.C. headquarters but is open for applicants teleworking from anywhere in the U.S.


2020 Retrospective: Nowhere Left to Hide for Digital 'Have-Nots'

The events of this year brought the realities of digital transformation into sharp relief: Public sector agencies are divided into “haves” and “have-nots”—and the “have-nots” cannot put off digital transformation any longer. 


6 Lessons From 2020 Federal Leaders Should Apply in the Months to Come

As the embers of the dumpster fire that was 2020 burn away, important lessons provide light for the way forward in 2021.


How to Solve Inefficient Meetings Through Existing Technology

Even small process improvements can make internal staff meetings run better. 


How to Help Dogs and Cats Manage Separation Anxiety when Their Humans Return to Work

A change in routine is a major cause of separation anxiety for both dogs and cats.

Digital Government

The Tech Policies the Trump Administration Leaves Behind

Nextgov looks back at the Trump administration's major IT policy moves that will have lasting effects on federal technology for the foreseeable future.


Telework gets Air Force IT seal of approval

Lauren Knausenberger, the Air Force's deputy CIO, said IT satisfaction went up significantly once people started working from home.


Critical Update: Did COVID-19 Push More Agencies Into the Cloud?

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting mass telework means agencies must have moved more data, workloads and services into the cloud. Right?


Pandemic pivots at State, FCC

The necessary wave of IT adaptation to the pandemic showed federal CIOs and agencies they could move quickly and efficiently to modernize.


5 Rules to Keep Breaking Barriers in Government

The pandemic disrupted how agencies conducted business but federal leaders can harness that momentum. 


Workers Are Looking for Direction from Management—and Any Map Is Better than No Map

The consequences of just continuing to wing it are piling up.


Pandemic spotlights the promise and weakness of government tech

Governments should not aim for "a return to the technology status quo before the pandemic," according to a new white paper by Microsoft and the Partnership for Public Service.


Secure telework capabilities top DISA's 2021 plans

The Defense Information Systems Agency is looking at "gray networks" and expanding its cloud-based internet isolation browser solution to email.


CISA, FBI Warn that U.S. Think Tanks Are in Hackers’ Crosshairs

The agencies share guidance for shoring up defenses in a remote work environment that can disguise attackers.


How COVID-19 accelerated IT modernization

As previous IT investments proved their worth in 2020, the pandemic is prompting agencies to accelerate their modernization efforts