
Cyber challenges demand trained young leaders

Participants in this year's Cyber Defense Exercise fought back challenges of the type threatening U.S. critical infrastructure, including ransomware.


Harvard students spin up gov-tech internship

The federal government may be getting a summer tech and data science internship program analogous to those offered by Silicon Valley, thanks to three Harvard undergrads.


Telework still faces managerial resistance

An oversight study of telework at four federal agencies found that managers can be resistant and tech issues can still inhibit worker performance.


Either Congress reforms the civil service, or Trump does it his way, senator warns

Workforce cuts through a freeze and attrition "may not be optimal," said Sen. James Lankford, and Congress can collaborate to find a better way.


Army Cyber is targeting civilians (for jobs)

The U.S. Army has launched two new initiatives to bring civilian cyber experts into the workforce, one of which is a pilot program to examine the interest in direct commissions for cyber positions.


How to foster an innovation culture in government

To close the innovation gap between the public and private sector, governments must become applied learning systems that constantly adapt to change.


How to close the cybersecurity talent gap

By analyzing data on workforce needs and hiring efforts, agencies can take the lead in the race to recruit and retain cybersecurity professionals.


Surprises in store for political appointees

Political appointees from the private sector face a steep learning curve when joining the federal government.


What the next president needs to do on cyber

No matter who wins the election, there are key opportunities to expand on current efforts to secure and defend federal networks and critical infrastructure.


Seven steps to a smooth transition

ACT-IAC paper offers advice to the next administration on cybersecurity, management, workforce and more.


Finding ways to make federal employees want to stay

Agencies are emphasizing engagement and adding performance incentives to make government careers more attractive to the next generation of employees.


One size fits all?

Steve Kelman argues that acquisition professionals need more room for discretion, not less.


GAO: Army should further integrate virtual training methods

The Army needs to make better use of its virtual training tools to prepare soldiers for real-world situations, according to a Government Accountability Office report.


Cyber worker shortage hurting operations

Although the U.S. is in the top tier for educating new cybersecurity workers, the small talent pool is still a significant challenge for industry and government, according to a new survey.


Which agencies have the happiest IT workers?

A deep dive into federal job satisfaction data found some bright spots for IT, but there is room for improvement in training and making employees feel like they're part of the mission.


Workforce management advice for the next administration

The National Academy of Public Administration wants to see more workforce accountability and bottom-up feedback from the next administration.


White House accelerates cyber hiring

The federal government is looking to add 3,500 more cyber and IT workers by January 2017.


Tech in the service of performance measurement

Steve Kelman reports on innovations at DHS that could help analysts across government.

Digital Government

Building a digitally savvy workforce

In this excerpt from "Delivering on Digital," William Eggers explores one agency's approach to expanding digital capacity by recruiting and training the team.


State's school for cyber

Training 130 State Department foreign service officers on cyber is expensive but critical.