
FCW Insider: Stealth comments revisited

Several readers take the FCW Insider to task for taking Obama's team to task over not publishing comments they receive through


FCW Insider: White House posts bill for public review, stealth comments

The Obama administration has followed through on its promise, technically speaking, to post legislation online for review and comment before the president signs it.


Importer data rule goes into effect

A last-minute Bush administration rule requiring importers to file more data on shipments went into effect on schedule on Jan 25.


New Defense database should be public, watchdog says

The White House should make public a new Defense database on "revolving door" officials leaving to work for contractors, urges the Project on Government Oversight watchdog group.


Obama picks Google exec to lead citizen participation efforts

Obama makes another key technology appointment.


IT execs confer with Obama

President Barack Obama met with technology executives to build support for IT initiatives in the economic stimulus legislation.


Groups urge broadband provisions in package

Public safety organizations urge Congress to include provisions for first responder communications programs in the economic stimulus package.


FCW Insider: A note on the White House almost-blog

Perhaps the Obama administration should have held off on running a White House blog until they were ready to do it in earnest.


FCW Insider: Dark ages = good security?

A Washington Post reader has offered an interesting but slightly disturbing perspective on the state of technology at the White House.


Prouty fits as acting GSA administrator, experts say

Paul Prouty's 38 years of experience dealing with Public Building Service fits with a greater emphasis on energy-efficient buildings.


A new kind of record-keeper

The next National Archivist could fix decades of problems in digital management.


Change Dept.: White House Web site

President Barack Obama’s revolutionary campaign Web site,, which lived for three months as, has now morphed into


Living young in the digital age

Managers who understand the Net Generation can transform government.


Chief techie: All bark and no bite?

Julius Genachowski might not have realized the turmoil his recent employment decision would cause, but in turning down President Barack Obama’s offer to make him chief technology officer, Genachowski reopened a discussion that had seemed settled.


Obama team must start fast

Unusual sense of urgency accompanies this transition because of crises facing the government.


Opening the info doors

Access to government information is about to get much easier, if the new president's early actions are any indication.


Recommended Reading for Jan. 26

Social networking in perspective; E-gov: Recommended listening; Battling botnets; Advice for new listeners.


Administration to establish major office for cyber matters

A national cyber adviser who would report directly to the president would be chosen under the White House's 44-point agenda for homeland security.


POGO urges Obama to withdraw Lynn's nomination

A day after issuing an executive order with a new ban on lobbyists entering government, President Barack Obama issued a waiver to allow a former lobbyist to be deputy secretary of defense, the watchdog group says.


Performance Institute starts InnoGOV site

The interactive site asks users to share innovations and insight to improve federal management.