
FCW Insider: After a historic moment



FCW Insider: Election '08 -- Paper or plastic?



Letter: Outsource elections to private businesses

A reader writes that elections should be outsourced to businesses that are better at processing transactions than the federal government.


Buzz of the Week: Vote early, vote often

This week’s election could be the last — at least for the near future — in which electronic voting systems play a major role


Campaign surrogates face off at leadership conference

Obama, McCain representatives debate IT policy


From ELC: McCain, Obama IT reps face off

Technology representatives for John McCain and Barack Obama trade views about how their candidate would tackle a variety of IT issues if elected president.


Letter: Google CEO as chief technology officer would be idiocy

A reader expresses his dismay with the idea of selecting Google CEO Eric Schmidt to a chief technology officer position in an Obama administration.


GSA creates private network for transition teams

Teams will have computers, Internet access and e-mail through a virtual private network.


Editorial: The case for the status quo

Career feds must find a way to convince the new team to retain initiatives that are worth preserving.


Letter: Limits to cost-plus contracting not a solution to limit waste

A reader writes about eliminating cost-plus contracting, "It certainly generated a buzz within our community, and that is good because it means many recall that history has shown us that this is not a good way to go."


Letter: McCain, industry have different views on contract use

A reader writes, "The reason for the majority of the cost escalations are the result of specification and performance upgrades that become possible during the performance of the contract."


OMB memo to clarify CIO responsibilities

The memo, expected next week, will outline the responsibilities of federal chief information officers for information technology functions.


Buzz of the Week: McCain and cost-plus contracting

Sen. McCain's proposal to trim federal government spending by switching to fixed-price contracts touched a nerve in the federal community.


Competition eludes easy fixes

Competition for federal contracts has become a political hot button but still defies a quick solution.


Also in the News: Arizona offers military online voting reports that the state will allow military and overseas voters to use online system.


Welles: Fiscal year follies

The start of a new fiscal year offers an opportunity for dialogue about what lies ahead.


More letters regarding Palin e-mail messages

Readers offer their views of Gov. Palin's use of private e-mail account.


Letter: Politicians are people, too

A reader writes that politicians should be able to use private e-mail accounts.


OMB to help agencies prepare for transition

The new administration must be ready to send many nominees to the Senate, officials say.