
Transition tips for careerists

Making a good impression on new agency leaders serves you well, writes Alan Balutis, but it takes some finesse.


OPM's guide to second-term staffing

The Office of Personnel Management's "Presidential Transition Guide to Federal Human Resources Management" outlines how to deal with incoming and outgoing administration employees.


Presidential transitions: Your chance to shine

With a little preparation, senior leaders can rise to the top during a transition, but the time to act is now, writes Bob Woods


Putting your best foot forward

A second term does not equal status quo. Here’s how to survive and thrive in the transition to Obama II.


Innovation agenda needed to solve national problems, report concludes

A group of Brookings Institution fellows, headed by Darrell West, have authored a report identifying needed innovations and the challenges associated with them.


Klossner: Get ready for the new political appointees

FCW cartoonist John Klossner sketches the key to second-term success.


Report recommends IT priorities for second term

The Obama administration could save hundreds of billions of dollars by following some recommendations from ACT/IAC, says the group.


How to become a presidential appointee

The early days of President Obama's second term will bring a new wave of senior leaders and political appointees at agencies. Those who want such a job should apply now.


Election's end revives hope for cybersecurity action

With uncertainty about the presidency settled, attention turns again to the chances of legislation or an executive order to address cyber threats.


New members of Congress bring agency experience

Congress may benefit from executive-branch experience coming with some of the incoming freshmen.


Obama wins. Now what?

The re-election of President Barack Obama raises new questions about bipartisanship, agency funding and the tech agenda.


Retroactive repeal of sequestration possible -- but risky

The effects of sequestration could be mitigated if the president and Congress continue trying to repeal it next year, but it would be a gamble, analysis suggests.


NAPA plans advice for the president on federal initiatives

Recommendations for the president on large-scale projects and performance improvement are set for release and discussion at a public event.


NARA map shows elections past and future

An interactive online map allows users to research past presidential elections or apply state-by-state scenarios to the current one to see how various state wins or losses affects electoral vote totals.


Obama remark gives sequestration hope

A remark in the Oct. 22 presidential debate has led to speculation about the prospect of averting budget cuts set to hit in January.


GOP platform stresses offense, information-sharing on cybersecurity

Party document accuses current administration of "costly and heavy-handed regulatory approach."


NRC cybersecurity exec steps down

Pat Howard, the chief information security officer at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is retiring from government in April.


Get ready for a leadership vacuum

2012 likely to be the year of leadership changes as the presidential election nears.


Defense acquisition chief nominated as DOD deputy secretary

Ashton Carter, under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, is expected to replace William Lynn in the No. 2 post at the Defense Department.


Deputy defense secretary to step down

After more than two years in the job, Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn will step down from the second-highest DOD post to spend more time with his family.