
After VA, Maurice Stewart joins the Ambit Group

Stewart led Veterans Affairs Department efforts to improved communications and transform its relationship with suppliers.

Digital Government

Conference costs draw congressional ire

GSA's conference scandal was just the start. Now a dozen agencies are being asked to defend their spending on conferences.


VA to direct more money to service-disabled vets

VA officials intend to boost their contract awards to veterans.


More VA spending goes under investigation

The House Veterans' Affairs Committee interest doesn't stop in Orlando.

Digital Government

VA's 'Patton' parody finds defenders

Not everyone agrees that VA's $52K training film was bad use of taxpayer funds.

Digital Government

VA spent $52,000 for 'Patton'-inspired training film

A House panel begins to detail excessive spending connected to VA training conferences, including production of a video in which an actor parodied a scene from the cinema classic.


Senator not done questioning VA on conference costs

Follow-up questions on VA's conference costs include a basic one: Just how much did VA spend?


VA CIO charts progress on clearing claims backlog

VA deploys latest version of paperless claims processing system, another step on the road to eliminating a longstanding backlog.

Digital Government

Plain English, please

Plain language is the key to successful communication, but avoiding jargon and complex language remains a challenge for many agencies.


VA under investigation for excessive spending

VA comes under congressional, IG scrutiny for possible spending abuses connected to training conferences.


Should VA's company database go governmentwide?

VA has a database of verified companies owned by veterans. Other agencies could take advantage of that resource, GAO says.


10 ways to make agile development work for you

GAO has identified 32 best practices for agencies to implement and manage agile software development. We showcase 10 of the best and point you to the rest.

Digital Government

Romney promises VA revamp

The presumptive Republican nominee for president has made reform of the Department of Veterans Affairs part of his campaign.


VA fails to communicate clearly; who gets a better grade?

A new report finds few agencies have made progress in meeting the requirements of the 2010 Plain Writing Act.

Digital Government

Filmmakers win over feds’ hearts

A film project strives to illuminate the hard work done by federal agencies.


IT workarounds complicate DOD and VA health center effort

The DOD and VA are having difficulty meeting IT goals in a joint healthcare facility.


Top VA official recognized for excellence in leadership

Winners of the AFFIRM Leadership Awards feted at Capital Hilton.


VA employees to protest position downgrades

VA employees said they've been targeted by unfounded position downgrades and now plan to vent their grievances in upcoming rally.


VA failed to set aside work for vets, GAO finds

A bid protest charged that VA officials didn’t comply with the law and regulations when awarding an emergency notification services contract.


VA may have bent the rules for iPads, iPhones

The Veterans Affairs Department approved iPhones and iPads for its network last year while partially avoiding a particular FISMA requirement, according to a new audit.