Digital Government

Gaurav Mathur: Engineering a better solution for vets

Mathur supported the implementation of the Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record, a joint initiative by the Defense and Veterans Affairs departments aimed at improving the health care of veterans.

Digital Government

Leonard D'Avolio: Putting health data to work for veterans

D'Avolio oversaw the development and deployment of a system for managing data on 1 million veterans enrolled in a health research program.


VA errors compromise identity verification credentials

The VA has issued more than 157,000 personal identity verification credentials with poor controls in place, throwing the validity of every credential into doubt, IG says.

Digital Government

VA prepared for new employee mobile devices on Oct. 1

The Veterans Affairs Department is prepared for its long-awaited launch of iPhones and iPads on its networks, its CIO said.


Senators hope to help small companies

The Senate wants to toughen penalties for large companies masquerading as small businesses.

Digital Government

Revealed: The best (and worst) agencies for launching a career

Which agency is the best place for a young fed to start?


VA national contracting oversight system inadequate, IG says

The Veterans Affairs Department's inspector general recently audited national contracts and found problems.


VA to try cloud-based collaboration tech for doctors

The Veterans Affairs Department is experimenting with cloud solutions that may eventually be extended to more than 100,000 medical personnel.


VA starts online open source community for VistA

VA's online agent is now operational to oversee an open-source community involved in modernizing its digital record system.


VA's IT project management oversight needs work, IG says

The Veterans Affairs Department's Project Management Accountability System needs more work to be fully effective, according to a new report.


How VA missed $213M in overpayments

The Veterans Affairs Department did an incomplete job of tallying its overpayments in 2010 because it did not fully follow White House guidance, according to VA's Office of Inspector General.

Digital Government

VA policy seeks to increase use of social media

The Veterans Affairs Department has issued a policy statement encouraging social media use and laying out the rules.


VA adds tablets to contracting vehicle

The Veterans Affairs Department has added amendments to an upcoming major procurement vehicle to specify several types of tablets and light laptop computers it may want to buy.


VA continues to pay ineligible contractors, audit finds

Serious deficiencies in contracting at the Veterans Affairs Department are allowing ineligible contractors to work and get paid, audits find.


VA to allow clinicians to access cloud applications

The VA is preparing to allow clinicians at VA medical facilities to access some commercial cloud applications.


VHA flunks medical school contract management, IG says

The Veterans Health Administration has problems with implementing a 2006 directive to improve its contracting with affiliated medical schools and teaching hospitals, according to a new report.

Digital Government

VA gets ready for iPhones and iPads

Roger Baker, CIO of the Veterans Affairs Department, said the department is getting ready to open wired and wireless networks to iPads and iPhones by Oct. 1.

Digital Government

Senate gives VA full IT budget; House offers less

The House and Senate disagree on VA's IT budget for fiscal 2012.


VA hopes to transform IT systems with T4 contract

The Veterans Affairs Department laid out several goals for its ambitious $12 billion "T4" IT acquisitions contract.

Digital Government

VA to open network to popular mobile devices

The Veterans Affairs Department plans to allow employees to use mobile devices on VA networks by Oct. 1, CIO Roger Baker announced.