Digital Government

Biden's $1.5 trillion 2022 budget plan tilts spending toward civilian agencies

The administration is adding money to multiple tech modernization programs and removing the Overseas Contingency Account from the Defense Department request and folding in warfighting funds into the base budget.

Digital Government

How the government could become the next Airbnb

Emerging and established technologies hold great potential for addressing our nation's evolving challenges; the trick is in helping government agencies integrate them into their operations.


VA chief looks at spend, productivity on $16B health record modernization plan

Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough told House lawmakers on Thursday that performance and joint execution were issues driving the 12-week "strategic review" of the Electronic Health Record Modernization program.


A career fed does a stint at USDS

Steve Kelman checks in with procurement innovator and past Fed 100 winner Mark Junda on his latest chapter.


VA plans 'strategic review' of $16B software program

New Veterans Affairs chief Denis McDonough announced a "strategic review" of the agency's Electronic Health Record Modernization program of up to 12 weeks.


VA watchdog cautions on pandemic hires

Temporary waivers to speed hiring at VA medical facilities have helped fill workforce gaps, but the agency's Inspector General warns on security risks of putting off certain security checks.

Digital Government

How to improve health IT

The past year has called unprecedented attention to public health systems and their underlying data, but federal agencies' struggles with health IT long predate the COVID-19 pandemic.


AFGE looks to maximize two years of Democratic control on Capitol Hill

Although workplace safety is top of mind, the American Federation of Government Employees wants Congress to pursue action beyond the reversal of Trump workforce policies.


Watchdog: pause on VA's $16B electronic health records project might be needed

The Government Accountability Office wants the VA Secretary to postpone new installations of the Cerner electronic health record while the agency irons out the most serious system problems.


COVID premium pay varies across Veterans Affairs

The lack of national direction from the Department of Veterans Affairs on issuance of pandemic "premium pay" has left regional VA networks and local facilities to decide which employees get additional pay for working on the front lines of the pandemic -- and how much.


Biden taps former Obama aide to lead VA

Denis McDonough would be the second non-veteran to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs.


VA vaccine distribution will require 'Herculean effort,' says VA official

The agency is preparing to receive initial shipments of vaccines, but getting it to rural areas of the country will be a challenge.


VA union claims victory in termination case

In win for the National VA Council, the Federal Labor Relations Authority dismissed the VA's exceptions to an arbitrator's award that requires it to reinstate union employees fired without performance improvement plans.


Federal panel sides with VA on union contract

The Federal Service Impasses Panel largely sided with the Department of Veterans Affairs in a contract ruling in a case between the VA and the National Veterans Affairs Council (NVAC).


VA reports smooth go-live from $16B electronic health record system

The performance of infrastructure, end-user devices exceeded agency expectations on the VA's first go-live on its new electronic health record system.


An extraordinary public servant, now a little the worse for wear

Steve Kelman checks in with longtime VA leader Ed Meagher, who was recently honored for a lifetime of citizen service.


FEHRM releases interoperability strategy

The strategy from the Federal Electronic Health Record Modernization program office offers a set of goals that are more about health outcomes and empowering patients that specific technological benchmarks.


VA on the fence about homegrown patient portal

The My HealtheVet tool used by more than 3 million veterans to access care at the Department of Veterans Affairs could be retired in favor of a tool from vendor Cerner as part of the agency's $16 billion electronic health record software upgrade.


House passes stopgap spending bill

The current appropriations bills are set to expire on Oct. 1; the bill now goes to the Senate where it is expected to pass.


House tees up continuing resolution to avoid Oct. 1 shutdown

Protected leave for federal health workers and a USCIS funding measure are included in the stopgap bill.