
VA to implement IT-driven, patient-centered care model

In what it describes as a massive transformation, the Veterans Affairs Department is preparing to adopt a relatively new concept called patient-centered care that uses technology to keep patients informed and engaged.


Common standards urged for public, private data exchanges

Gail Belles, health care security director for the Veterans Health Administration, addressed the challenges of securing health data exchanges between federal agencies and the private sector.


VA launches Open Government Web site with IT dashboard

The VA today introduced its new Open Government Web site with a dashboard showing progress on the VA's IT projects and an idea forum to encourage public engagement.

Digital Government

Veterans Health Administration runs competition for health IT ideas

The Veterans Health Administration has launched a contest to see which employees and contractors can dream up the best ideas for improving its use of health IT.

Digital Government

VA budgets $157M for virtual e-health record interagency office

The Veterans Affairs Department is forging ahead on its joint program with the Defense Department to create a Virtual Lifetime Electronic Health Record.

Digital Government

VA freezes IT budget for 2011

The Veterans Affairs Department is looking at a flat level of $3.3 billion for information technology in fiscal 2011, but managed some increases for benefits automation and telemedicine.


Commerce loses, Education gains in IT spending

Most IT budgets would change little from fiscal 2010 under the Obama administration's budget.


Obama wants nearly $80B for IT projects

The administration has proposed only a small increase for IT spending in fiscal 2011.


DOD and VA achieve interoperability on health records, GAO says

The Defense and Veteran Affairs departments have finally met their goal of making their digital health record systems compatible, says a new GAO report.

Digital Government

Military Health System approves strategic plan for IT

The Military Health System released its 2010 to 2015 strategic plan for information technology that focuses on 10 goals.

Digital Government

VA, DOD seek assessment of virtual e-health record vision

The Veterans Affairs and Defense departments are hiring a contractor to analyze if Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record patient data can be successfully exchanged in a community.

Digital Government

Blog Briefs: Military spouses, Hollywood actors, health IT and vets debriefed

A roundup from the blog rolls of the federal government.


VA, Kaiser seek to expand health data exchange project

The Veterans Affairs Department and Kaiser Permanente claim success for their data exchange effort for about 460 veterans in San Diego.


VistA: Ready for its close-up?

VistA, the Veterans Affairs Department's electronic health record software, might be the apex of what digital health care has to offer, but it also has problems that have prevented more widespread use.


VA clerk's bright idea leads to White House visit

A Veterans Affairs clerk has met with President Barack Obama in recognition of her idea on how to reduce waste.

Digital Government

VA's VistA system is world-class but hard to maintain, says IAC's Meagher

The Industry Advisory Council is examining the Veterans Affairs Department's VistA electronic medical record system and wants to accentuate the system's good points while upgrading its outdated software.


House panel told of abuses in VA set-aside program

Veterans Affairs Department officials failed to punish business owners who lied to them to get a contract set aside for service-disabled veterans.


VA puts hospital data on

The Veterans Affairs Department is posting its annual hospital report card online for the first time, said VA Secretary Eric Shinseki.


Open government officials to testify before Senate panel

A Senate task force plans to examine how technology can help measure how government agencies perform.

Digital Government

VA plans pilot projects for Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record initiative

The Veterans Affairs and Defense departments are seeking vendors for a series of pilot projects in anticipation of the Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record program.