Digital Government

Delays for GI Bill Claims System

I have picked up strong signals that the Veterans Affairs Department has hit another speed bump with its 9/11 GI bill claims processing system.

Digital Government

Google Instant on Kundra, Kushi, KOAT

Google's new instant search feature promises results instantaneously with every letter typed into the search bar. But I find it more annoying than useful.

Digital Government

Holistic Worker Comm

The leaders at the Defense Logistic Agency's Disposition Services outfit, which sells or finds a way to reuse surplus or outmoded military property, has such poor employee communications that it decided it needed some outside help to develop a <a href=>management transformation thingy</a>.

Digital Government

VA's FLITE Crashes Again

In July, the Veterans Affairs Department <a href=>shutdown</a> most of its grand scheme to update its asset-and-bean-counting systems, the $400 million Financial and Logistics Integrated Technology Enterprise program, due to a high risk of failure.

Digital Government

Military Health System Musical Chairs

They're busy rearranging the executive deck chairs at the Military Health System while the nomination of Dr. Jonathan Woodson to be the next assistant secretary of Defense for health affairs molders away in the Senate due to a <a href=>hold</a> by Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss.

Digital Government

VA Catches Up on GI Housing Payments

Veterans attending college under the post-9/11 GI bill did not receive an increase in their basic housing allowance for the 2010 spring semester due to the clunky claims processing system that was in place until just this month.

Digital Government

Up Next: The e-Patient Terminal

In the almost forgotten era before the Internet, if you were sick enough to go to a hospital, all you had do was lie in bed, have doctors and nurses care for you, and you eventually got better.

Digital Government

DARPA Tries to Create the Cyborg

Ahh, computers keep getting faster and smarter, but thank goodness they still don't match up to the power of the human brain -- or I'd be out of work.

Digital Government

Paris and Pakistan

A Navy buddy of mine working on the Pakistan relief operation mused in an e-mail on Monday that for some odd reason Paris Hilton and her arrest for alleged cocaine possession received more media play over the past weekend than the fact that "we rescued thousands of people."

Digital Government

Navy Saves Trees With Digital Signatures

Navy Chief Information Officer Rob Carey approved an <a href=>electronic signature policy</a> for the Navy and Marine Corps on Aug. 27 in a move designed to save paper, improve security and save money.

Digital Government

When Cheaper Can Be Deadly

As anyone who has served in combat knows, if a buddy is wounded, the first two things you need to do are make sure he can breathe and his bleeding is stopped.

Digital Government

NGA's Sticking With Google

The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency <a href=>tweaked</a> on Wednesday its <a href=>original announcement</a> from last week to award a sole-source contract to Google for geospatial visualization services so outfits such as Microsoft can apply.

Digital Government

Can VA's Processing System Wait?

The Veteran Affairs Department's paperless claims processing system ended up on the list of troubled IT projects that are up for <a href=>review and possible termination</a>. I wonder if federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra has a back up plan if he delays or cancels the paperless project.

Digital Government

Google Earth vs Microsoft Bing Map

I <a href=>reported</a> on Aug. 20 that the folks over at the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency determined only Google had the smarts to handle visualization of the planet.

Digital Government

General, This is Called a Tie

Here's a loopy procurement that Defense Secretary Robert Gates should cancel immediately if he's serious about saving money: The <a href=>General Officer Transition Course</a> hatched last week by the Army Contracting Center of Excellence.

Digital Government

Google Now Owns Earth

Or, based on this <a href=>sole-source contract announcement</a> from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, Google now owns, at the least, visualization of the planet.

Digital Government

AHLTA's End (Sort Of) Explained

I <a href=>reported</a> on Monday the Military Health System decided to consider commercial software for its loathed AHLTA electronic health record system. The folks over at MHS told me the planning process started in December 2009, with establishment of an EHR Way Ahead Planning Office this February.

Digital Government

Cyberattacks Target Air Force Apps

Lt. Gen. William Lord, the Air Force chief information officer, said cyberattackers have shifted their tactics from trying to breach firewalls to penetrating applications and said the service has serious application vulnerabilities.

Digital Government

Open VistA for AHLTA?

Last week the Military Health System <a href=>detailed plans</a> to replace its AHLTA electronic health record system -- loathed by its clinicians -- with a new system based on commercial products.

Digital Government

The End of AHLTA?

The Military Health System may have finally decided to get rid of its electronic health record system called <a href=>AHLTA</a>, which military clinicians loath and what S. Ward Casscells, who served as the Defense Department top doc from 2007-2009, described as being <a href=>"hard to learn and use, slow and often down"</a>. Officials are looking to replace the system with some (hopefully) easier to use commercial software.