Digital Government

Parking for the Privileged

Two years ago, I <a href=>observed</a> that the second level ramp at Washington's Dulles International Airport seems to serve as a parking lot for the privileged, despite signs about every 50 feet warning "No Parking, No Stopping, No Standing."

Digital Government

Brother Enemy

Like many Vietnam veterans, Lt. Col. James "Jim" Zumwalt (ret.), my fellow Marine, says he has spent the past 40 years trying to expiate what he calls the raw wounds of that war and its aftermath.

Digital Government

Time Well Spent on PTSD and TBI

The wonderful thing about this gig is I have the opportunity to explore subjects that resonate with my personal experience and touch the heart. The treatment of troops suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury tops the list.

Digital Government

Woodson Tapped for Top Doc

President Obama <a href=>announced</a> on Wednesday he plans to nominate Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Jonathan Woodson as assistant secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, filling the military's top doc slot. The post has been empty for a year, ever since Dr. S. Ward Casscells resigned in April 2008. I had <a href=>heard</a> Woodson was the top choice back in January.

Digital Government

How About a GI Bill Widget?

That's one of the best suggestions to come out of Wednesday's Senate Veterans Affairs Committee hearing on the post 9/11 GI bill.

Digital Government

From the Holocaust to Baghdad

Talking this morning with Air Force Maj. Jonathan Kusy, who works with the U.S. military advisory mission in Iraq, I had one of those moments that makes one pause and reflect.

Digital Government

All About Ash

About 7 million airline passengers had been going nowhere slowly due to the volcanic ash plume from a volcano in Iceland that has all but closed air traffic in Europe since April 14.

Digital Government

AF Awards a Sign of the Times

In a sign of the times, the operators of unmanned aerial vehicle won the Air Force's 2010 Team of the Year award.

Digital Government

NSA Chief: iPad Geek

Senators on the Armed Services Committee quizzed Army Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency, on Thursday about his <a href=>nomination as commander of the U.S. Cyber Command</a>. The lawmakers candidly admitted they were computer challenged.

Digital Government

NASA's Global Hawk UAV

NASA sent its unmanned aerial vehicle called Global Hawk on its first science flights this week to conduct global warming research. It took a 14-hour trip north to Alaska from California on Monday, and followed that up with a 24-hour trip on Tuesday to Alaska again, west to Hawaii and then back to the Dryden Space Flight Center at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.

Digital Government

Air Force Worried About Gut Illness

This FedBizOps <a href=>notice</a> on what it calls "Gut Illness" may not have much to do with technology, but it's so loopy I had to write about it.

Digital Government

NSA on the Flash-Media Hunt

Shh, the National Security Agency has developed a software tool that detects thumb drives or other flash media connected to a network, and any federal agency can get a copy free -- no box tops or coupons required.

Digital Government

Navy Seeks Vets For Cyber Force

The Navy is looking for a few good veterans to staff its cyber force, offering openings at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and Norfolk, Va.

Digital Government

Joint Radios in MRAPs

WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M. - I arrived here on Wednesday to see a demo of the Joint Tactical Radio Systems program operating in the vehicle of choice for Afghanistan and Iraq: mine resistant ambush protected vehicles. I plan to file a full report on Thursday for the Nextgov news feed.

Digital Government

After Post, Google Zaps GPS Jammer Ads

While researching a What's Brewin' <a href=>item I posted this week on backups to the GPS system</a>, I conducted a Google search on GPS jammers. The results of the search staggered me -- by both the number of hits and the fact that Google also carried ads for gizmos that have no legitimate use.

Digital Government

Big Payback For VA Health IT

The Veterans Affairs Department has invested more than $4 billion on its Veterans Health Information System and Technology Architecture (VistA) during the last two decades. But the payback the department has received has pretty much exceeded those costs, <em>Health Affairs Journal</em> <a href=>reported</a> in its April issue.

Digital Government

GPS Backup? What GPS Backup?

The folks over at the multiagency National Executive Committee for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing posted a <a href=>notice</a> reminding us that the "U.S. government strongly encourages all GPS users to maintain backup capabilities for positioning, navigation and timing" in case of jamming or other outages.

Digital Government

The Man Behind GPS

Digital Government

A Do-It-Ourselves Anniversary Site

As I <a href=>observed</a> last week, the Defense Department just this month decided to start developing a Web site to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War, which is this year.