Digital Government

Pentagon's Electronic Health Record Gets a Life Extension

The Defense Department plans to extend the contract for AHLTA through 2018.

Digital Government

How Much Do New Nuke Bomb Tail Fins Cost?

Hint: They have to fit onto the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

Digital Government

Pentagon Taps SPAWAR Folks to Run Electronic Health Record

Multiple Space and Naval Warfare employees move to EHR project.

Digital Government

Dear HHS, My Email Addresses Are Valid shut me out just three screens into the process.

Digital Government

DARPA Looks to Brain Zapping to Treat PTSD and TBI

Research requires implanting up to 100 battery-powered electrodes in the brain.

Digital Government

NSA Needs a 12 Step Program

Addictive behavior hurts both addicts and people around them.

Digital Government

Hagel: NATO Cyber Center Will Be Up and Running Next Week

What exactly will the center do?

Digital Government

Does the Navy Know Microwave Signals Can Be Intercepted?

The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command is in the market for an over-the-air Top Secret network.

Digital Government

Army Chief: Tech Will Not Replace Grunts

Tactical networks still have ‘highest priority.’

Digital Government

War Memorials vs. Money

You can’t buy dinner with a war memorial.

Digital Government

Strange Sales Tactic: Oracle Blasts Defense-VA on Use of Open Source Software

Paper zeroes in on the failed integrated electronic health record.

Digital Government

Note to Congress: Federal Employees Have Mortgages

And, since I’m cranky already, let’s stop the cheap talk and pandering to veterans.

Digital Government

I Just Don’t Get This Shutdown

What will these folks go after next – vegetables, puppies, kittens?

Digital Government

VFW ‘Disgusted’ With White House and Congress

I hope the right people get the message.

Digital Government

Air Force Lays Out $20,000 for Hot Air Recruiting

In Albuquerque, as opposed to Washington, hot air is valued.

Digital Government

DoD Acquisitions Staff Have No Money to Buy Stuff

And if they can’t do their jobs, they may be refurloughed, Hagel warns.

Digital Government

A ‘Large Number’ of DISA Civilians Are Furloughed

The Defense agency declined to provide specific data about workers’ shutdown status.

Digital Government

Bad News for Lawyers: GAO Won’t Handle Protests During the Shutdown

The vast majority of the watchdog's personnel have been furloughed.

Digital Government

Time Is Essential, Apparently

Navy and NIST continue to provide the time during shutdown.

Digital Government

Tonight Was Made for C-SPAN Junkies

I, on the other hand, will be getting good rest to continue reporting this insanity tomorrow.