White House

White House procurement office marks 50 years

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy has evolved since its inception to ensure the government is “buying as one,” as demonstrated in a new circular on acquisition data and information issued Tuesday.

US advances on cyber goals amid rapidly changing threat environment, White House says

Cyber challenges in U.S. crosshairs include ransomware, AI, supply chain attacks and commercial spyware. A new version of an implementation plan might help address them.

White House in talks with industry to build legal framework for software liability

As part of a broad cybersecurity strategy, the U.S. wants to create incentives for the tech industry to manufacture products and software that don’t contain major security flaws.

White House launches digital twins funding opportunity

The Biden administration is investing over $280 million into digital twin technologies to innovate in semiconductor manufacturing and research.

Breaking News

White House deputy national cyber director to step down next week

Camille Stewart Gloster’s last day will be Tuesday, she told Nextgov/FCW. It’s unknown who will fill the position.

New White House policy mandates safeguards for federal AI use

The White House also announced new hiring goals for AI talent, a request for information on the procurement of AI and more.

Biden seeks 10% bump to civilian cybersecurity spending for FY25

The funding boost is influenced by the White House’s National Cyber Strategy released last year.

Biden's $1.67 trillion budget boosts tech, AI

The Biden administration’s FY2025 budget request provides agencies with $3 billion “to responsibly develop, test, procure and integrate transformative AI applications across the federal government.”

Exit interview: Mitch Herckis

In an exclusive interview, the former branch director for federal cybersecurity in the White House Office of the Federal CIO, discussed challenges, White House cyber priorities and his office’s efforts to integrate zero trust into the federal government.

Biden calls for ban of AI voice impersonations in State of the Union address

The President became the subject of an AI-generated robocalling scam in January.


White House stalls on digital identity mandate, despite billions in fraud

President Biden previewed an executive order in his 2022 State of the Union meant to address identity theft and fraud in public benefit programs. As Biden gears up for his 2024 address, the order still hasn’t been released.

Biden admin to seek surveillance court blessing to renew Section 702 program through next year

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court will receive the White House filing next month.

Biden executive order aims to stop adversaries from obtaining, exploiting Americans’ personal data

Data brokers under the order are barred from selling bulk caches of sensitive Americans’ data to multiple foreign countries, including China and Russia.

White House urges software developers to use memory-safe programming languages

A number of headline-making cyberattacks started with memory safety flaws, a White House cyber official said.

National Cyber Strategy needs better implementation measures, GAO argues

The White House Office of the National Cyber Director can improve on performance measures and cost estimations, the U.S. federal oversight agency said in a Thursday analysis.

Biden to veto any efforts to shutter SEC cyber disclosure rules

The SEC argues the disclosure rule forces firms to be more transparent with investors. Opponents say it may compromise sensitive business data and publicize vulnerabilities.

Coker confirmed as cyber director

On a bipartisan vote, the Senate confirmed Harry Coker to lead the Office of the National Cyber Director at the White House.