Digital Government

White House Memo Creates Chief Science Officers at Federal Agencies

The presidential memo on scientific integrity calls for new officials and an update to policies established over the last two administrations. 

Digital Government

CIO Roundup: Here Are the Government’s Top Tech Chiefs So Far

Most agency chief information officers are career officials so it's steady ahead but vacancies left by appointees need to be filled.


Biden Orders Agencies to Buy More American-Made Products and Publicly Post Exemptions

The order seeks to close existing loopholes and creates a new oversight regime, including a GSA-hosted website to post waivers publicly.

Digital Government

Dashboard Offers Data on Agency Hiring Processes and Lack of Objective Assessments

Federal hiring managers are asking applicants whether they’re qualified for open positions but aren’t getting hard data to back that up.

Digital Government

Biden’s Wave of COVID-19 Executive Orders Relies On Data To Implement

While technology is not the main focus of the pandemic response plan, collecting and disseminating more data is a recurring theme.

Digital Government

Presidential Inauguration Includes a Digital Transition

Websites and social media accounts made the transition along with presidential power, with the new administration making its mark right away.

Digital Government

Presidential Transition Means CIO Turnover At Some Agencies, Too

Come inauguration, nearly a third of department-level CIO positions will need new occupants.


Biden-Harris Admin Proposes $10B in New IT and Cyber Funding for Federal Agencies

The administration wants to add $9 billion to the Technology Modernization Fund and give CISA a boost.

Artificial Intelligence

GSA Awards $800M Contract to Support Internal Use of Emerging Tech

While the General Services Administration usually works on helping other agencies buy emerging technologies, the new DIGIT contract looks to support internal modernization efforts.


GSA to Remove Almost All Drones from Contract Offerings Over China Concerns

By Feb. 1, all but five unmanned aerial vehicles will be removed from the General Services Administration’s offerings.


Trump Admin Names Fourth and Final Shared Services Lead

The Office of Management and Budget designated the Quality Service Management Office lead for grants administration.

Digital Government

Smithsonian Seeks Lead for Broad Swath of Digital Transformation Efforts

The position is based out of the Washington, D.C. headquarters but is open for applicants teleworking from anywhere in the U.S.


Capitol Riot Opens Congress to Potential IT Compromise

Experts weigh in on the IT security implications after violent rioters stormed Congressional offices, gaining access to unsecured computers and stealing devices.


Trump Executive Order Attempts to Ban 8 More Chinese Apps

The move adds more Chinese companies—including three payment apps—to a list that already included TikTok and WeChat.


HHS Websites Will Get Customer Experience Scores in 2021

As part of the updated digital strategy, Health and Human Services Department program offices will be getting graded on a “CX scale.”

Artificial Intelligence

GSA Releases Draft of New Government IT Services Contract Polaris

The draft request for proposals focuses on IT services and emerging technology offerings from three classes of small business.


IG: Last Major CBP System Outage Caused By Code Defect Known for 2 Years

The customs agency could have avoided an August 2019 system outage—and hours of delays for travelers—with better patch management and employee training on backup procedures.

Digital Government

The Tech Policies the Trump Administration Leaves Behind

Nextgov looks back at the Trump administration's major IT policy moves that will have lasting effects on federal technology for the foreseeable future.