Digital Government

FAA Needs More Data To Predict When Planes’ Brakes Are About To Fail

With more data, FAA officials say they can build an algorithm to predict when runway conditions will lead to brake failure during landings.


VA Migrates 23.5 Million Veteran Patient Records To Cerner Data Center

All new patient data will go into the shared Veterans Affairs-Defense Department data center as the two agencies move forward with the massive electronic health records overhaul.


Justice Signs Nearly $1B Telecom Services Deal With AT&T

The award is the third under the $50 billion EIS telecom contract as the Sept. 30 deadline nears.

Emerging Tech

CBP Wants An Eye In the Sky—Or Wherever—To Spot Everything Crossing the U.S. Border

The single solution should be able to detect anything crossing the northern or southern borders between ports of entry and immediately alert border patrol agents.


Republican Lawmaker Proposes Increased Funding for Energy’s DARPA

The legislation would fund the advanced research and development office for the next five years at increasing levels despite the administration's push to eliminate the office.


VA Doesn’t Really Know What It Costs To Run VistA

Lowball estimates for operating the current electronic health records system through the transition to Cerner cast doubt that overall projections are accurate.

Digital Government

Small Agencies Need Shared Services Providers to Step Up DATA Act Support

Large departments are assisting smaller agencies in meeting their DATA Act requirements through shared services providers. But that help isn’t always so helpful.

Artificial Intelligence

Air Force Wants Simulated Wargames to Plan For Lasers, Electro-Magnetic Weapons

The wargames are meant to teach airmen about these new weapons and help the Air Force develop new tactics and procedures.


Industry Wants to Know Exactly What Huawei Ban Means for Contractors

While the law is clear that agencies can’t buy tech from certain companies, it is ambiguous about how that affects federal contractors and grant programs.


Pentagon Will Default To Trusting Other Agencies’ Cloud Security Assessments

The department has had success reusing other agencies’ authorizations and will make reciprocity the rule rather than the exception.


DISA Turns to Governmentwide Contract to Manage Security of Classified Network

The Pentagon will be awarding the DCMA Cybersecurity Center support contract through the National Institute of Health’s governmentwide contract instead of a full and open competition.

Digital Government

Trump Nominates Acting CMO To Be Third In Line at Pentagon

Lisa Hershman has been nominated to officially take over the role after more than seven months as acting chief management officer.

Digital Government

GSA Offers First Look at Unique IDs to Replace DUNS

The General Services Administration gives a first look at the new Unique Entity ID, the validation system that will replace the long-standing DUNS number.


Clock Starts on Naming Leaders, Beginning Work on Evidence Act

Agencies now have official guidance on how to meet the first phase of requirements under the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act.


CBP Is Looking for a Vendor to Manage Its Multi-Cloud Environment

The winning company will have to stitch together multiple cloud services and architectures and enable the agency to add new ones as needed.

Digital Government

DISA Awards 23 Small Businesses Spots on $7.5B IT Innovation Contract

The restricted pool awards come a year after large business awards, which were subsequently protested.


Critical Update: Containing Chernobyl

We’re joined by an engineer who helped build the final containment structure at Chernobyl, in a race against time, bureaucracy and the aftermath of the Soviet Union.

Digital Government

Experts Say Federal Data Strategy Needs Leaders and Funding to Succeed

Stakeholders are pleased the government is poised to take action on the federal data strategy but had some management advice for the Office of Management and Budget.

Emerging Tech

NOAA Wants Hybrid Drones to Patrol the Coast

The agency wants an unmanned system that can fly like a plane but take off and land like a helicopter.