
Next Agency to Host GSA Centers of Excellence Will Be Announced by October, Departing TTS Director Says

Outgoing Technology Transformation Service Director Joanne Collins Smee shares the strengths of her organization, what’s next for Agriculture’s Centers of Excellence and when the effort will jump to a new agency.

Digital Government

Omarosa’s Recordings Show the Problem with Honor-System Security

The White House relies on employees to turn over any devices prior to entering a secured room but has few fail-safes if they don’t.


One Agency Plans to Lock Employees In a Room Until They Learn Cyber Hygiene

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency will be locking employees in escape rooms to test their knowledge of cybersecurity.


Federal Insider Threat Programs Prevent Multiple Suicides Each Year

Experts said suicide prevention has been an unintended byproduct of insider threat programs.


Changes Coming to GSA’s Breach, Identity Protection Offerings

Interested parties have until the end of the month to chime in on changes to the Data Breach and Identity Protection Services special item number.

Digital Government

Federal CIO: 100 Percent of Agencies Classify Data As an Asset

The government’s top IT official said all agencies have submitted their lists of high-value assets, which now include data.

Emerging Tech

NOAA Creates Workarounds for Malfunctioning Weather Satellite

The GOES-17 still isn’t working the way it’s meant to, but engineers believe they have a way to make it more functional than not.

Digital Government

Pending Executive Order to Move Entire Background Investigation Bureau to Pentagon

The president is preparing to sign an order to move the entire National Background Investigations Bureau—workload, people and all—under the Defense Department.

Digital Government

Watchdog: Agency CIOs Still Don’t Have Mandated Authorities

A Government Accountability Office report shows few agencies have policies giving chief information officers the authorities they need to be successful.

Digital Government

Government’s IT Watchdog on the Tech Challenges He Leaves Behind

After 16 years, the Government Accountability Office’s IT Director Dave Powner has seen federal technology improve but here’s what he hopes agencies and Congress continue to work on.


How A Human Resources System Could Revolutionize the Army

Army program managers took a mandate to upgrade the service’s payment systems and turned it into a way to unearth soldiers’ hidden talents.

Digital Government

Federal Technology Transformation Lead Leaving Government

Joanne Collins Smee is departing public service after overseeing internal reorganizations and the launch of GSA’s Centers of Excellence.


Senators Say Modernization Fund Will Get Money When Congress Sees Data, Results

Conference negotiations between the House and Senate will be the last chance to add money to the Technology Modernization Fund without additional legislation.

Digital Government

Trump Picks Meteorologist As Top Scientific Adviser

Kelvin Droegemeier would be the first person without a degree in physics to lead the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Emerging Tech

Senators Want to Double Funding for Putting Commercial Drones in the Air

A bipartisan amendment would double 2019 funding for FAA’s efforts to integrate drones into national airspace.

Digital Government

Trump Picks Marine Vet To Take Over Veterans Affairs IT

If confirmed, James Gfrerer would step into a difficult job, as IT is at the center of VA’s mandate to modernize.  


Bill Would Force Agencies to Honor FedRAMP Authorizations

The FedRAMP Reform Act would codify the program, as well as the “authorize once, use many” mantra.


White House Chides Senate For Not Funding Modernization Fund

The administration says the Senate version of the Financial Services and General Government spending bill is too high but doesn’t cover priorities.


GSA's Property Database Contract Isn't Really Worth $8 Billion

A typo in the solicitation led people to believe the agency planned to spend $8.2 billion. The agency doesn't even want to spend $8.2 million.