Emerging Tech

Americans Say They’re Ready For Robots To Deliver The Mail

A survey conducted by the Postal Service Inspector General polled citizens on how they would feel if a robot delivered the mail with—or instead of—a human.


Coast Guard to Adopt Defense Department’s Electronic Health Records

The U.S. Coast Guard will go with the Defense Department’s MHS Genesis health records program, the same option currently being considered at Veterans Affairs.

Digital Government

Pentagon Picks Former JP Morgan Executive To Be CIO

Dana Deasy brings considerable private-sector experience to the Defense Department’s efforts to transform its IT operations.

Digital Government

GSA May Replace Slack For Workplace Collaboration

The agency is seeking information on a tool that “extends beyond” Slack’s current capabilities.

Digital Government

Treasury Builds Data Lab To Inspire ‘Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Government’

The Data Transparency Office went beyond the DATA Act mandate to build visualizations showing where agencies’ $500 billion in contract spending goes each year.


Treasury Office Wants Security For the Cloud From the Cloud

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is conducting market research on two cloud security schemas, each of which could lead to a solicitation down the road.

Emerging Tech

What Are You Looking At? Social Security Wants To Know

The agency is looking for eye-tracking technologies to improve the user experience on its websites.


OPM Says Agencies Have One Year To ID Cyber Workforce Gaps

The Office of Personnel Management started the clock Monday for agencies to identify, report and mitigate cybersecurity workforce shortfalls.

Emerging Tech

Army Switches To Special Fast-Track Contract For Drone-Mounted Signal Jammer

The contract will now be limited to members of an industry consortium for cyber and electronic warfare companies.


Nextgov Podcast: How Not To End Up In a GAO Report

Introducing Critical Update, Nextgov’s new podcast on emerging tech in government.

Digital Government

Customs Needs A Vendor To Manage Financial IT In And Out Of Agency Borders

Customs and Border Protection is looking for information on a single vendor to support its financial systems and prepare to become a shared services center.


U.S. Digital Service to Congress: We’ve Made A Measurable Impact

The government’s technology tiger team gives an update on what it accomplished in 2017 and the projects it has in process.


The Scary New Contracting Model That Isn’t Scary or New

“Other Transaction Authorities” might seem like a risky new acquisition method, but it’s been around longer than the Federal Acquisition Regulation.


Education Department Knows It Needs Cyber Skills, But Doesn't Know Which Ones

The department issued a request for information on how best to train, retain and track its cyber workforce.


Here’s What Agencies Could Spend on IT Modernization Per 2018 Omnibus

The $2.26 billion—which includes some maintenance—gives an idea of the scale at which modernization will take place across government.


FBI Issues Timeline for Secretive IT Support Contract

The bureau rolled out key dates—but not other details—for its next-generation IT contract.


President’s Management Agenda Is All About IT Modernization

Administration leaders unveiled the agenda in Kansas City, Missouri, promising success in IT modernization efforts where others have failed.


$17.5 Billion Defense IT Contract Award Survives Four Protests

DISA’s ENCORE III contract is now open and ready for use after the Government Accountability Office dismissed several protests.