
Can new tech speed airport security lines?

The head of the Transportation Security Administration faced tough questions from lawmakers on speeding airport screening lines.


House to vote on bill to trim federal software spend

A bill requiring agency CIOs to streamline software spending is expected to pass the House of Representatives on June 7.


CIOs push back against FITARA scores

Agency CIOs pushed back against their grades in the second Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act scorecard released by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.


VA's CISO moves on

Brian Burns will be leaving the Department of Veterans Affairs on June 10 for a different federal agency.

Digital Government

IT subcommittee seeks GAO probe on VistA upgrade

A pair of IT leaders on Capitol Hill are seeking a GAO probe of efforts to modernize the Department of Veterans Affairs homegrown health record system VistA.


New IT policy lead at OMB

Sean Casey will be taking over as chief of policy, budget, and communication under the federal CIO from Jamie Berryhill, who is moving to a new post.


LaVerne Council drills in on her to-do list

The VA CIO sat down with FCW to discuss her agency’s reform efforts, new initiatives and relationship with Congress.

Digital Government

Email privacy legislation stalls in Senate

The Senate Judiciary Committee is holding off on further action on the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, as members are divided on warrant standards for email intercepts.

Digital Government

Hackathon, policy moves designed to apply tech to foster care programs

The White House launched a two-day hackathon to develop better data tools for foster care providers and social workers and announced a host of policy initiatives to back up the effort.


Senators ask what OPM hack means for global cyber relations

The State Department is pushing a regime of global cyber norms, and lawmakers want to know how high-profile hacks affect the effort.


CIO Scott pushes $3.1B IT fund as Congress probes legacy tech

Agencies have spent almost $23 billion on legacy IT over the past three years, according to reports to Congress. Is a revolving fund the answer?


Tabletop exercises a useful tool in cybersecurity testing

A senior DOD official said such exercises are among the most useful tools for cybersecurity testing, evaluation and training.


Issa: Better standards needed for IoT

Rep. Darrell Issa joined industry and agency experts in urging a proactive approach to security and privacy standards for the Internet of Things.


FTC seeks to patrol mobile patching

The regulator is taking a look at how mobile device manufacturers conduct periodic security updates.


What DIUx might mean for intel

The intelligence community wants to build on the Pentagon's effort to get private-sector innovators involved earlier in the acquisition cycle.


State's school for cyber

Training 130 State Department foreign service officers on cyber is expensive but critical.


DHS ramping up info-sharing work with industry

DHS is planning new guidance that will help the private sector better share cybersecurity information with the government.


Agencies unveil plan to encourage development of smart gun technology

New report outlines a strategy to encourage the development and use of smart gun technology by government, with the goal of reducing gun violence.


Senate VA bill looks to change agency culture, accelerate termination for cause

A new bill would make it easier for the VA secretary to fire executives and rank-and-file employees.

Digital Government

USDS-built web app seeks to help with student loans

As part of a new initiative to modernize student loan repayment, the U.S. Digital Service designed a web app that breaks down options for borrowers.