Digital Government

New trans-Atlantic data deal welcomed on Capitol Hill

A framework governing the transfer of European citizens' data into systems owned by U.S. companies includes more consequences for U.S. firms that don't play by the new privacy rules.


Obama seeks $4B to train the techies of tomorrow

President Barack Obama is asking Congress for more than $4 billion to fund his new Computer Science for All initiative for public schools.


GAO report highlights Einstein shortcomings

The Department of Homeland Security's Einstein program has built in limitations that prevent it from detecting previously unknown attack vectors, according to a watchdog report.


Congress needs to catch up on cybersecurity issues

The chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee said Congress is lagging on issues such as encryption and securing energy grids from cyberattacks.


Push for CISA repeal in Senate appears unlikely

In the House, privacy hawks are making a bid to repeal recently passed cybersecurity legislation, but a similar effort doesn't seem to be building in the Senate.

Digital Government

Why the State Department is adopting responsive design

State officials are redesigning and consolidating the websites for its foreign missions to streamline content management and better accommodate mobile users.


Ben Carson calls for a moon shot in cyberspace

The Republican presidential hopeful wants to create a National Cyber Security Administration to focus on cyberthreats.

Digital Government

VA chief lays out 2016 priorities, including IT improvements

Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald touted IT achievements in 2015 and laid out 12 priorities for 2016 in an appearance before the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.


Senate panel complains of slow progress at DHS on biometric exit tracking

Lawmakers grilled officials on the slow pace of progress in setting up a system to gather details on foreign visitors when they leave the U.S.


Bill coming to establish encryption commission

Lawmakers plan legislation to create an encryption commission to make recommendations on how companies and law enforcement can work together.


Think tank to school Hill staffers on cyber

A new nonpartisan Congressional Cybersecurity Lab at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars aims to teach congressional staffers about cybersecurity.


What's missing in the new NSA report?

The NSA released a required report on surveillance transparency, but many questions remain unanswered about how the spy agency is querying vast troves of telephonic metadata.


Capitol Hill privacy advocates launch effort to repeal CISA

A bipartisan group of lawmakers are introducing legislation to repeal the Cyber Information Sharing Act of 2015, which hitched a ride on the omnibus bill at the end of 2015.


Wassenaar Arrangement could get a redo over cyber

Lawmakers heard from skeptical industry experts on the export control policy and process of implementing the 2013 amendments to the Wassenaar Arrangement.


State of the Union is light on cyber, but touches on online terror

President Obama's final State of the Union address was light on tech, and was his first in many years not to directly address cybersecurity.

Digital Government

State steps up counter-terrorism digital initiatives

The State Department announced a director to lead the new Global Engagement Center, which will help allies using social media campaigns in countering terrorist group messaging.


Funding still an issue when it comes to cybersecurity

Industry experts push for more funding for federal cybersecurity and urge agencies to follow the private sector's lead in this area.


Chaffetz worries about reliance on legacy IT

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) has particular concerns about the management of IT at the Department of Homeland Security.

Digital Government

Should Congress budget on a two-year cycle?

A biennial budget bill is being pushed in Congress, but many lawmakers and industry experts are skeptical of a two-year cycle for appropriations.


Coming in 2016: Cloud legislation

The New Year will bring a bill designed to streamline the way agencies fund, acquire and approve the move to cloud computing.