Emerging Tech

OPM identifies over 50 skill sets to look for in federal AI workers

The guidance fulfills a requirement from the AI in Government Act of 2020 that asks how best to deploy and utilize AI and ML technologies in government. 

Emerging Tech

US and Sweden to partner on emerging energy research

Strengthening basic research for critical scientific areas, including nuclear fusion, is the focus of a renewed partnership between the two countries.

Emerging Tech

Multiagency plan aims to boost biotechnology workforce

A new national strategy to grow the U.S.’s biotechnology sector focuses on workforce training and curriculum development. 

Artificial Intelligence

First AI advisory committee report stresses getting regulatory balance right

Designing trustworthy AI systems with government regulatory help is a central theme in the NAIAC’s first report delivered to President Joe Biden.


US ‘can’t PSA our way out’ of cyber vulnerability, CISA director says

Speaking during a Cybersecurity Advisory Committee meeting, CISA Director Jen Easterly noted that corporate responsibility for cyber must stand “as a matter of good governance.”


CFPB looks to existing law to regulate workplace surveillance tech

After a high volume of complaints, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offered a response as to how the government can limit the use of sensitive employee information in hiring practices.

Emerging Tech

Microsoft looks to speed up materials science research with quantum-compatible system

The quantum computer-ready system is intended to help scientists identify viable molecules in a short amount of time.

Artificial Intelligence

Biden to meet with AI experts to talk regulation and safety

Eight specialists in various sectors of artificial intelligence will join President Joe Biden in San Francisco, California today for more collaboration on risk mitigation.

Emerging Tech

Tech panel champions near-term quantum efforts in must-pass defense bill

The forthcoming fiscal 2024 NDAA is set to heavily feature new additions to how Defense utilizes emerging technologies.

Artificial Intelligence

White House efforts to get data equity-ready will also support AI, official says

Executive agencies are prioritizing new best practices to harmonize AI systems and public data to both mitigate bias and support equity.

Emerging Tech

White House makes case for renewed Quantum Initiative Act

As funding under the National Quantum Initiative Act is set to expire, OSTP official Charles Tahan outlined several priority areas for the U.S. quantum sciences ecosystem.


White House cyber strategy can help mitigate AI dangers, official says

Acting National Cyber Director Kemba Walden noted that the underpinnings of the National Cyber Strategy can offer guardrails for emerging AI systems. 


Experts call for overhaul of 'outdated' critical infrastructure cyber policy

A new report analyzes the federal government’s approach to infrastructure cybersecurity as a key strategy document is getting a rewrite.

Artificial Intelligence

Emerging tech, misinformation dominate May transatlantic council talks

The Transatlantic Technology and Trade Council spent last week laying groundwork for unified action on new technologies worldwide.


U.S., South Korean agencies warn of state-sponsored spearphishing

The North Korea-affiliated group Kimsuky’s email attacks targeted research and media organizations.

Digital Government

FTC charges Ring over 'disregard' for customer data security

The Federal Trade Commission has proposed stronger security protocols for home video surveillance company Ring after years of mounting concern over data privacy.


US deploys tech diplomacy to cultivate leadership in emerging fields

The Biden administration’s latest foreign policy pillar prioritizes uniform standards on critical technologies within ally nations.

Emerging Tech

Clean energy advancements hinge on steady funding, Energy official says

Accelerating critical technologies to support a robust clean energy economic sector is a top priority for the agency’s 2024 budget request.


Agencies Warn of State-Sponsored Volt Typhoon’s Hacking Tactics

In collaboration with international and private sector partners, CISA released a new advisory warning network defenders of PRC-linked Volt Typhoon’s infiltration tactics. 


Securing U.S. Intellectual Property ‘Top Priority’ for Federal Law Enforcement

The FBI and Homeland Security are emphasizing the need to digitally safeguard tech R&D in the U.S. from state-sponsored adversaries.