
DHS Expands Fields of Study In STEM Training Program 

The 22 new fields of study have been added to the STEM Optional Practical Training program in a bid to keep U.S. science and math education competitive.


Watchdog Finds IT Scorecards Effective In Monitoring Federal Modernization Efforts

A new report highlights the benefits FITARA grading has had on modernizing tech within the government, despite recent failing grades. 

Emerging Tech

Congress Concerned Over Crypto's 'Massive' Energy Needs

The House Energy and Commerce Committee heard witness testimony on crypto’s power consumption, and renewables' role in making the industry sustainable. 


Marine Corps, CGI Enter $34 Million Contract To Update Inventory Tracking System

The Marine Corps Platform Integration Center will be expanded under the contract to use automated technology and Internet of Things connectivity to track equipment. 

Digital Government

Man Arrested For Alleged Exportation of Technology To Iran From U.S.

A dual American-Iranian citizen was arrested and charged with one count of conspiracy to illegally export technology and electronic equipment to Iran despite sanctions.

Emerging Tech

Airlines Ask For ‘Immediate Intervention’ in 5G Deployment, Citing Safety Issues

An airlines advocacy group asked the Biden administration to implement more protection around select airport towers in a continuation of the 5G rollout debate.

Digital Government

Agency Digital Modernization Efforts Hinge on Data, Customer Experience Efforts

A group of leading federal technologists explained themes of data-driven decision making combined with sub-agency feedback in digital transformation efforts.

Digital Government

VA Delays Electronic Health Records Deployment Due To COVID Cases

The VA Central Ohio Healthcare System was supposed to receive a new EHR system deployment in March, but COVID spikes overwhelmed the workforce.


VA delays EHR deployment due to COVID cases

The VA Central Ohio Healthcare System was supposed to receive a new EHR system deployment in March, but COVID spikes overwhelmed the workforce.

Digital Government

Former Homeland Security Acting Inspector General Pleads Guilty To Data Theft

Charles Edwards pleaded guilty to two federal charges of stealing government software and personnel data.

Emerging Tech

NIST Seeks Members For New IoT Advisory Board

The inaugural board will advise the Internet of Things Working Group on federal policies that may influence IoT development and security.

Digital Government

Native American Advocates Discuss Barriers To Broadband Before Senate

A Senate Committee hearing focused on the digital divide in rural tribal areas, and where federal programs are falling short.

Emerging Tech

Energy Launches New Program To Overhaul the U.S. Electrical Grid

Pursuant to President Biden’s sustainable energy plans, the Department of Energy launched a new initiative to restore the country’s electrical grid through expanded access and more resilient systems.


Coast Guard Completes Financial System Modernization

The Coast Guard is the latest agency to update its financial software systems as more federal agencies continue modernization efforts.


NIST Updates Cybersecurity Engineering Guidelines

Amid constant cybersecurity threats, NIST added more insight for engineers and programmers on how to mitigate system vulnerabilities.

Emerging Tech

FAA Lists 50 Airports Exempt From New 5G Rollout

These airports will have a temporary buffer zones to ensure airplane altimeters are protected, pursuant to an agreement between telecommunication companies and the government.

Emerging Tech

Transportation Secretary Pushes for Government Support for Vehicle Innovation

The Transportation secretary doubled down on the government's role in fostering a strong environment for emerging tech like electric cars and buses, automated vehicles. 


In IT Modernization And Cloud Adoption, Don’t Overlook Employee Training

Training helps keep employees up to date on the latest tech and keep them engaged, according to GSA Cloud Optimization Director Thomas Santucci.