
GAO upholds protest of Justice ID management contract

The Justice Department did not properly evaluate pricing, past performance and organizational conflict of interest allegations in its award of a recent $844K contract, audit concludes.


Outdoor agencies blend their databases for better service

The National Park Service is in the process of blending its technology with that of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Digital Government

VA teams up with Jon Bon Jovi on apps contest

Homeless vets are about to get some star-powered help from New Jersey rocker.


NASA knowledge management database used rarely

NASA's Inspector General is raising questions about the future viability of one of NASA's knowledge management systems

Digital Government

VHA fails on improper payments targets

The Veterans Health Administration had high error rates in payments on four programs, according to a new federal audit.


Agencies struggle with transparency compliance

Federal agencies gear up for another revision of their open government plans, but how many will follow through?


Agencies hinder journalists' access to federal execs, survey shows

A survey of 146 journalists covering the federal government found that the reporters are routinely finding their accesss to agencies blocked by public affairs offices.


EPA apps lesson: Offer money or plan to work harder

The Environmental Protection Agency has just compiled a new report on lessons it learned from hosting an application development challenge last year.

Digital Government

NASA helps launch Angry Birds Space game

NASA is going into outer space again -- on smartphones and tablet computers -- in collaboration with a game developer.


DARPA director leaving

DARPA Director Regina Dugan has accepted a senior executive position with an Internet giant, according to an exclusive report by Wired's Danger Room.

Digital Government

DHS releases new information-sharing guidance

New guidelines are part of an effort to improve consistency in handling classified information.

Digital Government

FBI's status update: Have you seen this suspected killer?

FBI tries social media to find their prime suspect in a murder probe, and the suspect might be talking back.


Chris Smith led USDA to new heights

Chris Smith, who has been CIO of the Agriculture Department for less than four years, oversaw one of the largest cloud migrations in government to date.


The secret to good communication, plain and simple

GSA's Katherine Spivey makes a strong case for improving how agencies communicate with the public.


Border Patrol and ICE data systems not working together, IG says

Stovepiped data systems are contributing to tensions in the operational relationship between the Border Patrol and ICE's Homeland Security Investigations unit.


Site allows tracking of influential White House visitors, ethics data

The new White House transparency website aims to be a tool for accountability by allowing search of several databases at once.


Why hasn't WordPress caught on in government?

WordPress is the most popular content management system on the Web, but Drupal wins the day among federal websites.


Apparent disconnect on contractor lawsuit is business as usual

Continuing business, accolades for contractors accused of violations is common, experts say.


Federal agency push to reduce regulation results in savings

Federal agencies have found savings and reduced burdens by revising regulations, but not always to taxpayers' benefit.


United States drops in global e-government ranking

The United States dropped down in the global e-government rankings according to a new survey by the United Nations.