
Federal Inspectors Want to Double-Check How Agencies Fared During ‘Cyber Sprint’

Ground-truthing is partly a way for IGs to maintain a role in information security oversight, now that DHS is in charge.


How the OPM Hackers Killed the Password

White House directives dating back to 2004 warned against only relying on passwords.


Contractors Say Proposed Hack Reporting Rules Aren’t Strict Enough

'This is exactly the interpretive, decentralized behavior that has produced the current state of network security vulnerabilities.'


OPM’s IT Security Overhaul Remains Under Scrutiny

In a new report made public today, the agency’s internal watchdog blasts the agency for dismissing the findings of an emergency report issued earlier this summer.


FBI and DHS Warn of Security Risks from the Internet of Things

Wearables, thermostats and insulin dispensers and other everyday objects are not hack proof.

Emerging Tech

No Touching: Agencies Could Soon Collect Fingerprints from Hand Waves

"Contactless fingerprinting" is seen as more hygienic than ink and paper or computer pads.


NSA Stepped In to Thwart OPM Hackers -- Eventually

It wasn't until after the intrusion NSA was able to provide OPM with help to try to figure out what had happened, NSA Director Adm. Michael Rogers said.


State Department Wants to Compile Cybersecurity 'Playbook'

World-class industry expertise is needed for planning tactics to block and perhaps strike back at hackers.


5 Months after Detecting OPM Hack, Officials Begin Protecting 21.5 Million Victims At a Cost of $330 Million

In announcing an initial $133 million award to I.D. Experts for protection services, U.S. officials said they proceeded with caution to ensure they do not further inconvenience victims.

Digital Government

DHS Switches on Retooled Virtual Fence Along Arizona Border

Border Patrol has been watching videos of potentially suspicious activity from sensor-studded towers for two weeks.


Can US Cyber Nerve Center Hold Onto Its New Leaders?

"Churn over there within DHS has been problematic," says departed official.


The Nation’s 24-Hour Cyber Watch Center Still Has Some Empty Seats

The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center might have some communication challenges.