
Health Care Sector to Test Reflexes for Cyber Attack

HHS and industry will simulate assaults on networks underpinning the medical sector and test their ability to fight back.

Digital Government

Immediate Notification Could Hurt Hack Victims

Website users could receive false assurances or false alarms under a House bill requiring consumers be informed of a breach within two days, experts suggest.


Hackers Glimpse Downton Abbey, Defend Obama and Survey Nuclear Control Room

Just another week in ThreatWatch, our regularly updated index of noteworthy data breaches.


Hacked Agencies Are Inconsistent in Alerting Victims

The uncoordinated responses could impair efforts to protect citizens and federal employees, GAO finds.


NIST Paid $16,500 for Space at Now-Boycotted RSA Conference

Speakers are backing out in protest of the encryption company’s alleged deal with NSA to weaken its security products.

Digital Government

Costs Could Climb for $1.5 Billion Terrorist Tracking System

A planned upgrade of a DHS database at the heart of the nation's effort to thwart foreign threats keeps going back to the drawing board.

Digital Government

Secret Court and Rand Paul Face Off Over Domestic Spying

NSA gets green light to continue collecting U.S. call logs and the 2016 presidential hopeful announces a class action lawsuit to stop it.


Hackers Pickpocket Boston Diners, Expose Snapchat and Hold Up Bank Computers

Just another week in ThreatWatch, our regularly updated index of noteworthy data breaches.


Everyone Needs a Cyber Textbook

Brookings Institution scholar Peter W. Singer co-authored a new book that aims to get the IT Crowd and the rest of us on the same page.


NSA Leak Spawns Fake Spyware Site

Parody of leaked agency hacking tool catalog generates bizarro codenames for each instrument.


The Ten Worst Hacks of 2013

From Beijing-sponsored espionage to Snowden’s NSA leaks, it was the year of political cyberspying.


Hackers Expose Illegal Immigrants, Assault Turkish Voters and Shop Black Friday Sales

Just another week in ThreatWatch, our regularly updated index of noteworthy data breaches.


Defense to Weigh Civilian Cyber Militia

Pentagon may hire National Guard nonmilitary employees to help thwart cyberattacks.


Army Settles on Augusta for Cyber Forces Headquarters

Fort Gordon location will require 150 fewer personnel and cost 23 percent less than other sites contemplated.

Digital Government

Congress Lops $35 Million Off Funding for NSA Supercomputer Center

White House had requested $431 million for the 28-acre data mining facility near Baltimore.


Energy IG Reports Dating to 2009 Foreshadowed Hack That Hit 104,000

For years, the department failed to encrypt sensitive data and fix application vulnerabilities that created an environment ripe for intrusion.


Data Stolen from 104,000 Energy Employees Was More Sensitive than First Thought

Developer noticed odd activity in system more than three weeks before the hackers got in, suggesting the situation could have been addressed earlier.